Chapter 8 - Rogue Bludger

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"It's strange, isn't it?" Parker asked while they walked.

"What's strange?" Hermione asked,"The petrification, how we found it first or Snape?"

"How Harry heard a voice, only he can hear and then Mrs Norris turns up petrified?" Parker wondered.

"Maybe the mystery voice did it." Erica suggested, looking out the window as it started to rain.

"I think we should all just go back to our common rooms." Ron sighed, "We can talk about it in the morning."

"That is if the mystery voice doesn't get us." Erica teased, walking down the stairs and thinking aloud,"We did see spiders just before it though..."

"What do you think that means?" Parker asked, the golden trio went upstairs as that's where their common rooms were but Parker and Erica's were downstairs.

"Either the spiders did it or they were like us and just came across it." Erica stated.

"But a trail of them? That's a bit suspicious." Parker crossed her arms.

"Maybe there's a colony of spider's outside the school?" Erica suggested.

"They're planning to take over the school." Parker giggled.

"Don't tell Ron that." Erica stated,"He'll freak out."

"We'll keep it between us." Parker nudged her.

"Well, here's my stop. Bye!" Erica waved running to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Bye Erica!" Parker waved before she walked to her own common room.


"Do you think Mrs Norris has been.. Fixed yet?" Parker asked Erica while they walked to class.

"No, the only way to cure someone that's been petrified is to use essence of mandrake and out mandrakes aren't done yet." Erica explained, holding open the classroom door.

"Do you think it'll happen to anyone else?" Parker asked while they walked in, nodding her head and as a thanks.

"Knowing our luck, yes." Erica answered, sitting at her desk beside Ron.

Parker sat next to Hermione that was behind Erica.

Ron and Harry and pushed her chair in, "Have we missed much?"

"Nope." Erica said plainly.

"Attention. Today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so, one.. two, three. Veraverto." McGonagall did a spell and her bird turned into a goblet.

Erica looked at her brother beside her,"Can you do this?"

"Of course I can." Ron nodded.

"Mr Weasley, on you go. One, two, three. Veraverto." McGonagall walked over to the Weasley siblings.

"Show me how it's done then, Ron." Erica told him, crossing her arms.

"Veraverto." Ron said as he waved his wand.

It only went halfway as the rat he used to demonstrate became goblet shaped but kept it's fur and tail. Parker sniggered and covered her mouth.

"That wand needs replacing, Mr Weasley." McGonagall pointed at him.

Once the laughter calmed down, Parker stuck her hand up.

"Yes, Miss Malfoy?" McGonagall acknowledged her.

"Professor. I was wondering if you could tell us about.. The Chamber of Secrets." Parker asked, hopefully.

"Very well then, as you know, Hogwarts was founded over one thousand years ago by four people. Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin. Three founders got along peacefully while one did not." McGonagall began.

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