7. The Outsiders

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The best part of first class wasn't the food or the flat bed but getting off the plane first. I hated flying with a passion, if humans were meant to fly we would have wings. As soon as those doors opened, I hauled ass and made my way to baggage claim. At this point I just assumed Nestor would follow me and I was right. Unless he spoke Russian, he would be fucked without me.

We were ushered through customs quick enough and my black 2019 Audi Q7 was waiting out front for us. I grabbed the keys from the valet and handed him some cash. Before long we were driving along the highway to the mountainous outskirts of Novosibirsk, where the sprawling mansions had views of the whole city. The sun was just rising thanks to the time difference and it was beautiful. I miss this.

"Grab my sunglasses please. They are in the glove box."

Nestor opened the glove box and found the case next to a MP-443 Grach handgun. He grabbed the gun, checked it was loaded and safety was on before he slid it into his waist band. I didn't comment on the blatant theft. He needed a gun if he was to play the role of my body guard especially since he left his in the states.

I pulled up to black iron gates and wound my window down. There was a small panel that I pressed my thumb to and the gates began to open for me. It was still a few miles drive from the gates to the residence, through dense forestry and over a stone bridge. I looked sideways at Nestor and saw him looking around, mesmerised. I was the same my first time here too.

"Here we go Nessy-Boo." I laughed at him as he growled about the name. "That'll do donkey, that'll do."

"Are you calling me an ass?"

"What? No, haven't you seen Shrek? Cristo, you have been deprived." I saw the front door open and switched to Russian. "Mom, dad, I missed you both." I kissed Ivanka and Kirill's cheeks before we turned to a high pitch squeal. A ball of floating fuzzy pink hair came flying towards me and grappled me in a hug.

Tahlia squealed in my ear, "I missed you sis. Who's the hunk? I could ride that man all day and use the braids as reins. He's hot."

I flushed at her words and felt a spike of jealousy even though I had no right to.

"He's my body guard, can't be too careful nowadays. Names Nestor and he only speaks Spanish." A lie on my part but it just slipped out. I turned to him and switched to my native tongue. "This is Tahlia, we went to school together. Ivanka and Kirill Sokolov. Don't speak English." I hoped he would remember.

We all went inside and he asked me why we were avoiding English. I could hardly say it was because I didn't want him chatting with horn dog Tahlia so I ignored him and turned to Tahlia.

"He said it's nice to meet you."

She blushed and whispered, "perhaps we can use our bodies to talk, sex needs no translation."

Ugh, I scrunched my face up and wrinkled my nose up at her. The staff were just cooking breakfast so they added two extra plates to the table setting. I felt bad for Nestor, he sat silently most of the meal. I know he was used to sitting back while Miguel did most of the talking but I was not my brother. I started translating so he could join in.

There's no sense of humour quite like these Russians. Tahlia was regaling her latest failed relationship that ended with her faking her own death because the man couldn't take the rejection. She was always getting into trouble with boys from the moment she turned 16. And I was there, forever saving her ass when guys got too handsy with her.

After breakfast I went to my old room, the smell of KJ lingered in the closet that still held his clothes. I hadn't been back here since the funeral and even then I couldn't sleep in this room. Nestor had the room next door and there was an adjoining door.

The room used to be Alex's nursery when he was born but had been upgraded to a guest room after he moved into his own room down the hall. It was handy since I could make sure Tahlia didn't jump him in his sleep and he could take his role as bodyguard seriously.

I heard a knock at the door but I was too wrapped in my own misery I couldn't answer. I was on the floor of the walk in wardrobe, KJ's robe wrapped around me. I buried my face in the material and inhaled his scent. I miss you so much. I felt arms encompass me and with the smell of KJ, I could almost pretend it was him holding me.

"We can go out soon if you want to see the place." I managed to say between sniffles.

"Whatever you want Lily." I nodded and began to unwrap myself from his arms and the robe.

I entered the adjourning bathroom and wiped away the smudged make up. I looked like an absolute wreck after just getting here, I don't know how I am going to survive the week. When I was semi presentable with warmer clothes on I found Nestor waiting patiently on the window seat.

I gave him a thicker jacket from one of KJ's many wool suits. He frowned as he took the jacket and held it out.

"Are you sure?"

It was nice of him to ask but I knew it would never get used again so I nodded and took it from his hands and held it for him to slip on.

We walked down the hallway towards the garage but I froze outside one mahogany door. Blue letters decorated the door still: Алекс. I ran my fingers over the cyrillic writing. I rested my hand on the cold metal handle but I didn't have the strength to turn it.

I forced my feet to move and walked further from the room that haunted me the most. I hadn't stepped foot inside it since we were last here as a whole family. I didn't know if it was still full of his toys or if it had been cleaned out. If I didn't open the door then I could imagine he was still in there playing with the cars, pretending he's racing around the track.

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