9. Headaches

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I felt guilty as we drove along, I had no right to interfere if Tahlia and Nestor wanted to have some fun. I doubted he got a lot of free time for such activities working for my brother.

"I need to confess something." Oh sweet baby Jesus. "I lied to Tahlia, I said you don't speak English."

"Why?" Why indeed, I couldn't even understand why.

"She's a bit of a, in the nicest way, a whore. I don't know why I said it, it just happened but it wasn't my place. You probably don't get much freedom from Miguel so if you want...you can you know..."

He was trying not to laugh at my awkwardness but I could see his lips twitching.

"Relax Lily. I am interested in someone else, I think I can hold off her advances."

I don't know why I felt disappointment, of course a man like him would have interest in a woman or ten. He was devastatingly handsome, the more I looked at him, the more I noticed. I nodded and focused back on the road as we arrived at the State Art Museum.

We spent the afternoon driving around the city showing off the sights. Nestor didn't complain when I took him to my favourite art studio, in fact he spent a lot of time looking over the pieces from different angles. He genuinely seemed interested so while he was busy I paid for a few pieces to be delivered to the US.

It was early evening when we got back to the house and dinner was almost ready. Saturday nights were practically an event in this house. We had a degustation menu and paired beverages. I was used to this but Nestor needed some help with the etiquette. I never understood the need for 5 different forks but whatever kept Ivanka happy.

We had adjourned to the music room where I helped myself to the extensive wall of alcohol choice. I didn't want Kirill to play the gramophone, it reminded me of the nights with KJ. I sat at the grand piano and lifted the lid gently. I knew if I played they would still dance but just not to our old songs.

The sheet music on the stand still showed Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement. It was like being thrown back in time. Alex had an ear for the piano. He loved to hit the keys and could play chopsticks already at his age. The last time we were here as a family was Halloween and I had played this while he danced around the party in a skeleton suit.

Tahlia could play as well, we both opted for piano as our instrument in school, she just didn't like to. I, however, enjoyed playing and would spend hours sat here. I ran my fingers along the golden engraved letters: C. Bechstein. Only the best would do in the eyes of the Sokolov's.

I removed the sheet music and swapped it with Yurima. As I played the opening keys for Reminiscent I watched the ageing couple twirl around the room as graceful as ever. It hurt now more than ever to watch the love they held for each other. I felt I was cheated with only getting seven years with KJ. Tahlia approached Nestor with an outstretched hand and he took it before the two began to dance.

I focused back on the notes lining the sheet even though I could play this from memory. I couldn't watch the two couples any longer. Changing it up, I moved into Metallica's 'Nothing Else Matters' and saw Nestor smirk from the corner of my eye as he recognised the tune. My in-laws could dance gracefully to anything so I figured I could have some fun with the song choices.

I made the mistake of playing an old favourite before I remembered the actual lyrics and choked. I had started to play 'Tears in Heaven' when the lyrics started singing in my head. I tried to pretend I was fine but I felt the steady stream of tears running down my face by the chorus. When I finished the song I closed the lid and left the room without making eye contact with anyone.

I made my way to my room with blurred vision and an aching chest. I stopped as I past Alex's room and I couldn't shake the pull to enter. As soon as the door was opened I smelt him, that and stale air. I don't know when the last time anyone came in here, there wasn't a speck of dust but it was cold from not being aired out.

His bed still had the same Paw Patrol cover he loved and hadn't been made properly. I climbed into the single bed and pulled the blanket over my head. Maybe I could suffocate under here, surrounded in my sweet boy's essence. When the heat became too much I pulled the cover down to find Nestor sitting on the floor beside the bed.

He didn't say anything and neither did I. He was looking at a photo that was on the dresser drawer. It was Alex's third birthday and we had taken him to Disneyland in Paris since he had a crush on Queen Elsa. The photo was of him sitting on Sven and Elsa was hugging him. He told everyone that she was going to be his wife when he grew up.

Beside it was a photo of KJ, Alex and myself. It was during a Christmas party as we were in full dress attire. I had a billowing dark red corseted dress and both KJ and Alex had matching black three piece suits on with their deep red ties matching my dress. KJ held Alex up at our height between us and all three of us were looking at each other instead of the camera.

Having shed my tears for my son I stood up and made the bed. I picked up the few toys that had been left on the floor and put them on the shelves where they belonged. I finally felt a small piece of closure, like turning the page in a book.

We walked out of the room and he closed the door behind me. Nestor followed me to my door, opening it like a gentleman and closing it behind me before heading to his room, I assume. It was still early, too early to sleep, so I poured a glass of vodka before running a hot bath. I climbed in and emptied the glass in two gulps.

I put the glass on the edge of the tub before drinking straight from the bottle. It had been a long week since Miguel came back into my life. I was happy just spending my days in the gym, training kids, why did he bother finding me and how?

I moved to get the shampoo when I accidentally knocked the glass off. It smashed on the tile floor and I heard foot steps before the door flung open. Nestor looked around the room checking for danger before he saw the broken glass. Finally he relaxed seeing there wasn't a threat when his eyes travelled over my body. His back stiffened and he looked away mumbling apologies as he left the room.

I wrapped a robe around me and dodged the glass to get to the door. I stumbled out with the bottle still firmly lodged in my hand and now half empty. Nestor was sat on my bed deep in thought as I flopped down beside and the room spun.

"Why did they keep you hidden?"

"Dita didn't want to raise a bastard child." I took another gulp from the bottle before offering it to the man. "Galindo men are renowned for impregnating mistresses. Abuelo was the same, it's where Pa got it from, I guess."

"Mikey isn't like that."

"Yet. It's only a matter of time or he mustn't really be a Galindo."

I thought back to my childhood. I was a constant reminder of the infidelity of José. Dita had whispered to me threats of what would happen if I told anyone the truth. I remembered my only friend as a young girl in Hermosillo, Luisa. She was the daughter of one of José's men. It was her who had told me the truth and then soon after her parents were dead.

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