21. Viva La Viper City

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"Are you ready?" Nestor asked as he slid his hand across my bare hip.

Goosebumps rose along the path his fingers traced and I turned to face him with a smile before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No, I would rather stay here with you." I said. "You?"

"Let's get this done so I can take my girl home and have my way with her." He said as he smacked me on the ass and grab his shirt from the closet.

When we were dressed we made our way to Nestor's SUV and headed to the rendezvous point the Mayans were meeting us at. When we arrived, everyone strapped on Kevlar vests before we entered Lure through the loading bay that had a stock warehouse. Everyone had their guns ready when Tranq cut the chains that held the metal gates closed.

As soon as the gates slid open guns started popping off. We couldn't walk through the gates while the Russians were sitting ready. I looked around the area and saw some crates stacked against the wall. I put my handgun in the holster and grabbed an AR-15 off Coco, slinging it over my shoulder as I ran at the crates. I scrambled up the tower of crates and pulled myself onto the roof. I ran along the roof and ducked behind an air conditioning unit.

Nestor and the Mayans were shooting through the gap of the gate as a distraction. I hopped up from my position and looked down the scope before shooting the Russians out in the open. Three were dead while the rest scrambled for shelter allowing my guys to come through the gate. I picked off a few stragglers but the boys quickly decimated the bulk of Russians. Went it all fell silent and I was sure it was over and ran along the roof edging and launched myself over the gap to land on the roof off the truck they had hijacked. I dropped over the side and gave the gun back to Coco.

"Everybody whole?" I asked.

"Yup all except Creeper, again." Angel said as he supported Neron's weight.

The man's face was scrunched in pain but there wasn't a lot of blood coming from the wound in his leg. It didn't look like he would bleed out anytime soon thankfully. I opened the door of the truck and found the keys in the ignition.

"Ok, get Creeper in the truck and take him to the Santo Padre Mortuary. Francis can stitch him up." I said to Angel before walking back to Nestor.

"Head that Creeper, your going to the morgue." Angel teased the poor man as he looked around frantically.

"Don't worry Creeper, no one has ever complained about Francis fixing them up." I said as Angel laughed.

"Because they're dead." Coco piped up making the boys laugh even more.

I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around Nestor's waist and his arm came around my shoulder comfortably.

"Let's go before any reinforcements arrive." I said just before a black van came barreling around the corner smashing through the partially opened gates.

Nestor's arm grabbed me and spun me around behind him as the door opened and gunfire sprayed out. I heard Mayan men scream as they were hit by the rain of bullets. I saw Coco across the dock looking through his scope and shooting but he missed a few of the shots. He was in a crevice between two towers of empty kegs and crates.

"Coco! Here!" I yelled as I ran from behind Nestor towards Coco.

He tossed the gun up in the air as I jumped up over the gap and I caught it as I landed on the second tower. I quickly aim at the driver of the van and shot him before I felt a piercing pain in my calf muscle. I ignored it while I sighted two more gunmen in the van and shot them both. The Mayans and Nestor and surrounded the van that was now driverless and shot the last man inside.

I sat down heavily as my leg gave out. Fuck me, that's a first. I had never been shot before, I had done most of my shooting in a firing range, never actually been in a fire fight like this. I looked at my leg and saw the bullet hole and an exit wound out the back. Through and through was good but there was a lot of blood coming out making me feel faint. I could feel it running down my shin under my pants and dripping from my shoe.

"Ness." It wasn't as loud as I meant and I tried again louder. "Ness!"

He head shot over to me sitting on the crate, legs hanging over the side and he walked a few steps before his eyes widened and he ran to me. His eyes were at leg height and he lifted my pant leg up before grabbing his knife and cutting it away.

"Fuck! Bishop, she's hit! Call an ambulance." He yelled as the men scrambled around.

"No ambulance. My phone." I said as I lay down.

He sprinted to his truck at the gate and came back with my phone in his hand. He held it up to my face so I could see the screen and his other hand put pressure on my wound.

"Hey Siri. Tropic Thunder." I felt myself slipping towards unconsciousness as the response came through to state the injury. "Fibular artery." I just got it out before I lost the fight and fell into the darkness.

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now