18. Day After Day

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The days seemed to roll by slowly as I stayed hidden in the Galindo house. Nestor disappeared for hours everyday only to come back late at night filthy and tired. I think he was regretting us and it made me sick with guilt.

I spent my time in a spare room that Miguel had set up as an office for me. The Mayans had taken over distribution this week and I had just set up access for them at the port of San Diego. I hated the fact they worked with the IRA but it was business. Those bastards killed my son and I would never forgive them but I had to do what I had to do to survive now. This was one of those things.

I knew Liliana Maria Sokolova had to die but I wasn't looking forward to losing the connection to my son and husband. I opened the new identity once more, Lilith Anastasia Galindo. Lily Ana. Dita would be so fucking pissed to see me with the Galindo last name and that at least a made me smile. I looked up as I heard a knock and the door open. I expected Miguel or Nestor but it opened to reveal Angel. He walked in with a bundle in his arms and held the baby boy up.

"Hey buddy, this is your Aunt Lily." He said softly to the child.

I felt my chest constrict as I looked at the boy who held similarities to my Alex. I pushed away from the desk and took some deep breaths, quashing the rising panic. I couldn't let my fear and grief stop me from having a relationship with my nephew.

"Hi beautiful boy." I said wiggling his chubby big toe. "He's gorgeous Angel. I have the papers here for you to sign."

Angel had asked me to help change his son's name so everything was ready to be sent off for little Ricardo Ignacio Reyes.

"Thank you Lily, Adelita would be so proud of you." He said while looking at his son.

He had such sad eyes, it was hard to watch. He missed my sister a lot and I still hadn't found any trace of her.

"You're familia Angel." More than you know, I thought to myself.

I took Ricardo from his arms and danced around the room with the boy. He smiled a toothless grin and giggled as we spun. Nothing and no one could replace my Alex but maybe I can heal some of the hurt by loving my two nephews. I handed him back to his father and they left soon after. I had just sat down at my desk again when another knock sounded.

"Come in."

Nestor entered with yet more bruises and cuts to his face. I shot of from my chair and walked over to him.

"What happened?" I asked as I gently wiped away some blood.

He didn't answer, just watched me as I started to clean him up. He sat in the chair and leant back closing his eyes.

"I might be able to help if you talk to me." I said trying to coax him into talking.

"Bratva." He sneered, "they have been trying to hit the shipments. It's taking more men every run to keep them safe."

I threw the bloody cloth down on the desk. I had had enough of the fucking Bratva. It was one thing to try kill me but killing my employees and people I care about was too far. I stood up and grabbed my phone before leaving my office. I heard Nestor's steps behind mine as I made my way to our room.

"Lily, what are you doing?" He asked as he grab the bag I was packing.

"Going to finish this, then you won't have to worry about me." I said as I grabbed it back.

"This is a fucking stupid idea. You'll get yourself killed. That what you want?" He snapped.

"I want you safe, even if you don't want me. I have to do this or die trying."

I screwed my eyes closed because I didn't want to see his reaction. I didn't want to see what could hurt me more. The distance he had put between us the last few weeks had hurt but I couldn't blame him. It was all my fault. I knew better.

"Lily, look at me."

I shook my head, tears threatening to fall.

"Look at me." He demanded and I couldn't refuse. "Good. Now, why do you think I don't want you?" He asked as he stared intently into my eyes.

"You're never around, we barely talk or touch." A tear slipped out. "I don't blame you if you regret it, just tell me the truth."

I looked at my feet as we both stood silently. The only sound was of my tears hitting the tile floor.

"I'm sorry." He said sadly and I felt my heart break. I knew it. "I've been busy tracking down the guys that shot at us. I don't want you locked away here forever, I want to go out with you. I don't regret it one bit Lily, I'm sorry I made it feel that way."

He pulled my hips forward so our bodies pressed together.

"I want you so fucking much." He growled in my ear before picking me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and claimed his lips hungrily. I had missed this, missed him.

"Then take me." I moaned into his neck.

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now