12. Open Water

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"You don't have to stand there like a creep." I said with a smile.

I eyed Nestor from the mirror as he stood in the bathroom doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. He had a light smile as he uncrossed his arms and walked into the room. His hands roamed over my shoulders, down my back to rest on my hips.

I was bent over the sink towards the mirror applying lipstick. I looked up to our reflection and could envisage this position naked. He bent down, covering my body with his.

"I don't think I have ever been turned down before." He said, "You intrigue me Liliana."

He kissed my temple before leaving the room and going back to his. Slowly I released the shaky breath I had held. I still didn't know if it was in anticipation or trepidation. My skin felt on fire and my temple burned where he kissed me. We had come so close to having sex, maybe if we had been in his room we might have. Instead, when it came to the fierce kiss we shared I could see the photo of KJ and I on our honeymoon. It was haunting me from my beside drawer, dousing any arousal I had.

I'm not a prize to be won.

I felt so bad because the biggest fear I had in that moment wasn't that the Bratva would kill us but that I might suck in bed. Everything I learnt about sex and pleasure was from KJ, the only man I have been with. God knows how many women Nestor has been with but I was afraid of embarrassing myself. And that made me feel terribly guilty.

I slipped the black dress off that I had worn to the family mausoleum for the memorial service, and looked over the formal dresses in the closet. I pulled a purple floor length corseted dress from the rack and held it up. I never wore this so it didn't come with any memories, the goal for our last night here. I stepped in, pulling it up and held the dress up across my chest. I slipped my heels on before knocking on Nestor's door.

"Can you do me up please?"

He only nodded so I turned around and shivered as his fingers trailed along my spine. He made quick work of the corset lace up and I was almost disappointed. When I turned back to thank him I noticed his dress shirt was a similar deep purple as my outfit. I don't know why something obviously a coincidence made me smile but it did. I folded his collar down that had curled up and stepped away so he could open the door.

"Ready?" Was I? I think he meant it rhetorically.

"Too late to run."

It wasn't a bad night, Tahlia and I got drunk and Nestor played his bodyguard role very seriously hovering close by. The dinner was just the five of us but then we went to the ballroom and the brotherhood arrived en mass. Every man embraced me and reminded me of the love this group of brothers had for each other.

A little after 4am the last car left the property and a stillness finally fell over the household. Tahlia had disappeared a while ago, with a man I assumed. I looked around the mess and wondered if Nestor had gone to bed. I made my way up the stairs and found Nestor coming out of Tahlia's room shirtless.

I felt sick and couldn't think. I don't know why I thought that something could happen. He was just after a lay. I turned and bolted back down the stairs and out the door. I could hear him yelling after me but I just wanted to get away. I ran down the driveway, the hem of the dress snagging and getting dirty along the road.

The tulle underlay came away as I got to the bridge and fell into the water. I slipped my heels off and left them on the bridge railing and continued running. I would get them when I came back. I took a narrow path that ran alongside the driveway through the dense trees. When I was deep in the forest and out of breath I finally stopped.

If I was sober I wouldn't have been able to lay on the cold wet grass but I wasn't, so I did. The sun finally rose and chased away some of the darkness I had been feeling. Taking a few more deep breaths I stood and made my way back. As I walked I made my plans to drop Nestor with Miguel and go home to Lodi. Go back to my simple, scheduled life at the gym and my research.

As I got to the bridge I found Ivanka crying and Kirill hugging her while Tahlia cried into Nestor's chest. The same pain hit my heart and I had to squash it down. Scream in your head, do not let them see your pain. I stepped out from the last line of trees.

"Who died?" I asked.

All of their heads shot up to look at me and I knew I looked terrible, I just didn't care anymore. I couldn't make eye contact with Nestor so I focused on Ivanka.

"We thought you did. I thought I lost another of my children."

I ran into her arms, feeling terrible for making her feel this way. I looked at my shoes hanging on the bridge and the fabric of my dress snagged on a rock in the water.

"I'm sorry mom, my feet were just sore. I had to clear my head, it's been a rough week."

She hugged me tighter before releasing her and Kirill hugged me next. I felt awkward hugging Tahlia for the first time in my life. The three of them started walking to one car that was waiting while Nestor dragged me to my SUV.

"What the hell was that about Lily?"

I took an intense interest into the hands folded on my lap. I felt like a child getting scolded by an adult. He grabbed one hand squeezing it.

"I just needed a run."

"You scared everyone."

"Everyone?" I asked pointedly.

"Everyone." I still didn't look at him but I did smile timidly at his admission.

"I saw you leaving Tahlia's room shirtless."

"She was stumbling down the hall when I went to bed. I helped her to hers and she vomited on me."

I couldn't help but laugh at his disgusted tone and the indignant situation. I finally looked at him, staring for a moment to see any hint of a lie in his eyes. I nodded accepting the story and we started back to the house. I needed to shower, pack, get to the airport and hopefully make it in time for our flight home. After lengthy goodbyes from everybody we finally were on our way to the airport.

"I spoke with Kirill last night. I said an old employer of mine would be interested in having a meet."

"You did WHAT! These people do not fuck around. If they even get a hint something is up they will kill first, ask questions later."

"Let's just get home and talk to Mikey okay?"

I didn't answer, I just watched the trees flying by as we sped along the highway. I was grateful for the distance being made, I had no doubt that the Bratva would no longer welcome me if they met with Miguel. The trip was long and mostly silent. There wasn't anywhere private to talk once we arrived at the airport.

"Why are we stopping over in Tokyo?" He asked as he saw the tickets.

"I want sushi."

I didn't want sushi. I wanted to check in with my board of directors. Nothing keeps them on their toes quite like an unexpected drop in from the CEO. That and Singapore Airlines have suites on the flight from Tokyo to LAX. This hangover plus the need for some privacy justified the purchase of the luxurious private double room in my eyes.

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