32. Abolitionist

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"Dad, I'm going to be late!" I heard Alex yelling from the garage and I shook my head at his demand.

Nestor quickly finished his coffee and put the mug in the sink. Grabbing my hips he pulled me in close to his body where he planted a kiss on my lips. I nuzzled into his sweet spot by his collarbone, the spot where my name was forever inked. He groaned and stepped away from me as Alex yelled out for him once more.

"Only he would be excited to go to school on his birthday." He said shaking his heads he walked to the garage before turning. "Did you pick up his present?"

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said, "yes mom and I remembered to put my pants on too."

Nestor was going to say something but Alex called out again and so he chose to ignore me and walked out. I heard the car start and waved as it passed the house. I had just sat down with a hot tea when I the monitor lit up and I heard the cries start. Of course she would wait until I sat down. I got up to go to the nursery and found our daughter jumping in her cot.

"Good morning Delfina. We have a big day ahead of us my lovely."

Not long after settling her in the playroom I saw motorcycles pull up behind a sedan. Angel came waltzing in without knocking and Luisa came in with their 4 year old daughter Kiara. Maria and Bishop followed hand in hand as they laughed about something together.

"I can't believe he's 16 already." Luisa said as she looked at a photo of Alex from almost 10 years ago. "Does he suspect anything?"

I shook my head. "Nope, he's completely oblivious. He even wanted to go to school, begged Nestor to take him."

The men were on ladders hanging the banners while us ladies filled helium balloons and managed the guys. More Mayans soon arrived with tables and chairs to go under the marquis. Nestor was picking up Alex at 4pm and taking him out for a bit so the guests had time to arrive. Together we had set up the surprise party by mid afternoon and Angel had gone to get Alex's present from Miguel's garage.

I was currently sitting with the ladies in the backyard enjoying a few vinos. Looking around the place looked great and I hoped Alex enjoyed his party. I couldn't believe how fast the last 10 years had flown by. Nestor and I had been content with only having Alex, then Delfina came as a surprise. Nestor never treated Alex any different after she was born, he still saw Alex as his son just as much as Delfina was his daughter. I was pulled from my thoughts as Alex came in with a suit but I couldn't see Nestor.

"Mom, I need you to come with me." He said urgently as he grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.

When we got to my room I saw Luisa standing there holding a floor length wedding dress. I eyed them warily as Alex smiled brightly.

"If this is your idea of telling me you're marrying Marissa, you've got another thing coming Mister." I growled at my son. "You didn't knock her up did you?"

"No mom, it's for you." He replied laughing.

He pulled out a letter from the local courthouse and I read it quickly. Tears pricked my eyes at the sentiment.

"You didn't go to school today did you?" I said with a chuckle.

"No," he said, "I know Nestor isn't my biological father but he's always been my dad and I wanted to have the family name. Now you're the only one not an Oceteva."

He grabbed the wedding dress from his Tía Luisa and passed it to me.

"My surprise birthday party isn't a surprise for me mom, it's a surprise wedding I helped dad plan." Alex said smiling at me.

I couldn't believe these two had managed to plan all this under my nose and the look on my sisters face confirmed she was involved too. I hadn't been too bothered by my marital status, or lack of, to Nestor and he never pushed. Our lives had been busy enough without the added stress of a wedding, so time had just passed.

I took the dress and looked over the piece. It was a simple ivory mermaid dress with a sweetheart neckline but it had hundreds of pearls delicately sown along the bust. I walked into our walk-in wardrobe and Luisa helped me into the dress and laced the back up tightly. A light knock on the door was heard before Maria walked in with a woman who held a large make up box. They had thought of everything. I sat patiently while she did my hair and make up and I was still in shock in all honesty. We already had the rings in our safe, we just never got around to the actually marriage part.

As I walked down the stairs the house was empty except for the line of red petals that I was told to follow. Luisa and Maria left ahead of me with strict instructions to wait until I heard music. I smiled as I heard the keys begin to Yurima's River Flows in You and started to follow the petals. I made my way through the lounge and out past the patio. There waited all of our friends and family, seated in two groups leaving an aisle down the middle. The rose petals continued through the aisle and all the way to the arch that stood at the end. Nestor stood proud beneath the archway with Alex sat beside him playing the piano. In Nestor's arms he held Delfina who was happily playing with his boutonnière.

Tears were already falling down my cheeks and I was grateful for the waterproof makeup used. This backyard held everyone dear to me and that archway held my entire world. I saw him laugh as I hiked my dress up to my knees and practically ran to him. I threw my arms around him and kissed him until the priest cleared his throat making everyone laugh.

"You look beautiful mi amor." He said before stealing another kiss much to the chagrin of the priest.

As it came to our vows Nestor stopped the priest and I worried he was about to run. Instead he turned to Alex and pulled out a large silver ring. I could see it was very similar just slightly smaller than Nestor's and held the same family crest design. I choked back a sob as he handed the coming of age heirloom to his son.

"You have our family name son, now you have the family ring." He said as he clapped Alex on the back.

Alex hugged Nestor tightly after slipping the ring on his finger. "Thank you dad." He said as he held back his tears stoically.

Nothing could top that moment and I didn't mind one bit. Alex took Delfina in his arms and hummed to her as she started to lose patience as a one year old does. With hands free we finally got to our own ring exchange. This moment had been 10 years in the making and we were finally here. The obstacles we had overcome were many and thankfully the losses were few.

Dita was the starting point that begin this journey. The journey that began way back in 2004. For the first time in my life I was thankful for her sending me away. Without her throwing me to the wolves, to Kirill Senior, I wouldn't have Alex. Then, without her dying I wouldn't have met Nestor. Two blessings from a nasty woman. I hope she's burning in hell but I think she'd probably be torturing Lucifer.

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Oceteva." The priest started, "You may now -"

Nestor pulled me into his arms and mine wrapped around him as he kissed me. The priest closed his book with a definite slap and wandered off with a huff. We chuckled at the grumpy old man as we pulled back to see everyone standing and cheering.

"I love you," I said kissing his cheek and grabbing my dress with one hand, "Nessy-Boo."

I laughed and ran away from his as he chased me with a smile. His arms grabbed my waist and tossed me over his shoulder while I giggled.

"You're going to pay for that Mrs Oceteva." He commanded in his dominating voice. "You'll be lucky if you can walk tomorrow."

"Is that a challenge dear husband?" I purred in his ear as he set me back down on my feet.

"It's a promise."

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