14. Decimator

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"Just give me a moment with Nestor first. Marcus here will wait with you." Miguel said as he waved Nestor inside.

I sat on my heels with my back against the wall while Marcus stood with his arms held in front of him.

"Miguel has explained your situation in your absence. It sounds like you had a rough childhood."

I snorted, "not rough, just lonely."

"You have done well for yourself."

"I lost my son and husband. I don't think we class 'well' the same." I all but hissed at him.

"My son was killed 12 years ago. Well is about as good it gets for us."

That was true, everything becomes a matter of perspective, a tolerance. I thought about everything that led me to being here and wondered if things were different. If I had of stayed in my room that Christmas, instead of going to KJ's room. I wondered what I would be. I don't actually know what I would have wanted to become if I had a normal upbringing. Maybe a science teacher or pharmacist? I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard my name and my ears pricked up, I tilted my head to listen through the door.

"Your sister is a fucking genius. Do you know she has a doctorate? Or that she could easily have been a concert pianist?"

"Do you like my sister?"

"Yes, but not in that way Mikey. She could be a real asset here. The technology she had at her factory could really up your production."

I heard enough. He wants to use me and that's all. I stood up and made my way to the exit.

"Liliana get back here!" Marcus hollered down the hall.

Fuck. I ran faster knowing Miguel and Nestor would be after me. I leapt from the top of the stairs and landed at the bottom before rolling into a run again. I heard the heavy stomps on the stairs from the men chasing me. The doors were shut but a sliding window above the kitchen sink was open. I ran and dove through the space to tuck and roll across the grass below. Safely in my car, I sped out of the driveway with a Maybach following close behind me.

Where to go? I need to loose them somewhere. North or South. I decided on South, we were so close to the border to the country I was born in. I set my GPS up for directions to the closest crossing and saw I had to go through Santo Padre to get to there. I had just hit the edge of town when a rumble of motorbikes descended on me. Two lines of them, one either side of my car and a van pulled in front of me.

The van pulled to a stop and it was either stop or damage my baby. We stopped and the Maybach blocked me in between them and the van. I pulled my gun from the glove box and cocked it before stepping out.

"I'm not a tool for you to use Miguel. Let me go unless you want me to bring a war crashing down on your backyard."

The bikers all had their guns in their hands, a few had them actually raised at me but they all shared a look of confusion. The one with a patch saying El Presidente approached my brother and they shook hands. It was then I saw the back of the kutte, Mayans. So this is the club who the Bratva were jacking from.

"Thank you Bishop. My sister here is a little unruly. I appreciate the assistance."

There were murmurs among the men, definitely about having a secret sister. I decided to play my hand and hope I can gain an advantage.

"Bishop, if you and your men help me out of here, I'll keep the Bratva from attacking anymore shipment convoys." I addressed the short man directly.

"And just how would you do that when your brother can't, little lady?" He asked.

I looked at Nestor and he seemed to be pleading with his eyes not to say anything. The problem with that was I was angry at him as much as my brother.

"I am a Bratva Princess."

I held my head up proudly even though I absolutely hated the name but it was what differentiated the wives of lower Bratva members to the inner circle shot callers. I looked at Miguel and could see him clenching his jaw in aggravation.

"Sorry princess, Galindo pays the bills round here."

I smiled at the short man, it wasn't a pleasant smile. It was a smile that was learnt over many years of dealing with assholes. I took a calming breath and leant against my car door, closer to my phone on the holder through the open window.

"Hey Siri, Tserber!"

I quickly got the words out before Nestor pushed me aside and grabbed my phone but it was too late. The sequence had begun and I was the only one who could stop it.

"What did you say? What did you do?"

"Tserber, Hellhound. My hellhounds are on their way." I patted his cheek and he pulled away quickly. "You back me into a corner, get ready to be bitten." I snarled at my brother.

Everyone's phones began beeping with a push notification and I laughed. The Japanese are a step ahead with technology than anyone else by far. As soon as I said Tserber a software in my phone tagged all the cellphones in close proximity to me. It also notified all allies closest to me that I needed assistance. They will be gearing up for war right about now.

"I leave here alone now or you all die. I already have all of your personal information from your phone and permanent access to your location services. Need I go on?"

I smiled nicely as Bishop gestured for the van to move. When it was clear and the bikes had made a path I opened my car door. I waved a little awkwardly at Coco.

"Goodbye Miguel. Nestor, shame you never got your prize."

I closed the door, ignoring the sad look on his face, before speeding off towards the border with no one on my tail. As soon as I was over the border I called my team to cancel the order and to send me the details they backed up from everyone's smartphones. I have a plan to create.

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now