29. New Bloods

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"Why don't you stay behind this time. Run everything over the comms." Nestor said as we walked into a warehouse Miguel was letting us use to plan our attack.

"Excuse me?" I said defensively. "I don't ask anyone to anything I wouldn't do."

"You have Alex to think about. Lead from a safe distance, please."

That got me and the please helped too but I wasn't happy. "Fine, but I'm not going to stay here. I'll be in my car nearby the building."

I heard a squeal and quickly braced myself as the tiny 19 year old girl jumped on my back. Nestor looked taken aback by the girl who I assumed would be dressed in her signature harajuku style. I single glance at the bright purple ruffled sleeves around my neck confirmed this and the neon barren fishnets wrapped around my waist with chunky platform converse shoes.

"Ohayō Sakura. Sweetie this is Nestor, Nestor this is Sakura."

She jumped down from my back and ignored his outstretched hands, jumping straight in for a hug. I had to laugh when he froze, unsure what to make of the petite girl. She pulled back from the hug and I noticed she had slipped both of his guns from the holsters unnoticed.

"You are getting good Kura. Now give them back." I said with a smile.

She pouted but held the guns out to Nestor by the barrel. He looked so stunned when he patted his side to confirm those were his guns but he took them back without a word. She was about to walk away when I cleared my throat.

"And his wallet thank you."

"Jesus, you've gone all mom on me." She said as she handed him back his wallet and phone too. "She used to be so much fun."

"And you used to not get caught. What happened last night?"

We followed her over to where she had set up some computer screens with Takeshi. I greeted him quickly and introduced Nestor to him. They walked off together to the weapons crates and started their own discussion. Men. I focused back on Sakura and the technical side of the attack.

She was explaining what went down last night. She said, "I thought it was just a business but it's a black site for the CIA. There's 6 floors underground that aren't on the public floor plans. Someone must have noticed me when I hacked the live feed because alarms from San Diego to fucking Langley went off like fireworks. I shut down so they didn't get a worm in our system but they know someone was in there."

I paced around for a short time. We needed to move quickly before they could find another place to move Luisa to but if they are on high alert then it would be dangerous to send anyone in.

"Has there been any chatter on the dark web about the Bratva being MIA?" I asked her, an idea coming to mind.

"No, nothing. Every inner circle member made the funeral, the mice all went scrambling to ground afterwards." She said as she looked up from the laptop. "Why?"

I tossed her my tablet. "Use this, get into those feeds again and lead the CIA to the Bratva. If they are busy looking in Russia for the threat hopefully we can stay under the radar."

She nodded excitedly and started straight away. I heard motorbikes getting louder and saw the Mayans roll in with an old pick up truck following behind. Barely a minute later my brother arrived with Cole and his men behind him. I introduced everyone and gave them the rundown of who we are dealing with. When everyone was up to date they broke off into their groups to wait until we were ready to go to San Diego.

Thick As Blood - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now