Chapter Five

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Artemis watched alongside The Avengers as Loki crawled onto the stairs, looking like he had been shat on much to her amusement.

"Hello, pretty boy." Artemis winked as she twirled her knife in warning, her team pointing their weapons at the God as he slowly turned around to face them,

"If it's all the same to you." Loki sighed, his face turned pained as he adjusted his position, "I'll have that drink."

The Hulk snorted and Artemis smirked, a glint of amusement in her black eyes as she stared the God down.


Artemis adjusted the hood over her head as she walked down the streets, her hands inside her pockets as made her way against the sea of people, ignoring the posters about Crimson. Who to her surprise was actually her. Like they literally had pictures of her posted all over the streets, with her in battle or alongside The Avengers. They had her fucking posted. As if she was a hero.

It honestly irritated her. It made living in the shadows that much harder. She had a tougher job-stealing now, and that was how she made her living.

She had escaped Fury's grasp as soon as they had Loki arrested and she had gone to lunch to that place Tony wanted to go. She had asked Stark to try and find information on her, knowing Fury would not only keep her information- but use it against her. So, after bringing up how he owed her, Stark agreed to help her out. Making her promise not to hack him again.

She didn't mention how she hadn't been the hacker, choosing to keep quiet in case he decided to track her friend down.

Artemis's shoulder smacked with her target, her hand easily slipping inside his pocket and a second later, his wallet was inside her pockets,

"Hey! Watch where you're going, bitch!" The man screamed out at her as she quickly walked away, making sure her hood was perfectly over her face while covering her identity.

She turned a corner, bringing out the wallet and opening, smiling when three green papers stared back up at her, the big one accompanied with two zeroes making her giddy from how easy it had been. And just like that, she was three hundred dollars richer.

Artemis took out the cash, moving the wallet to her face to read the license, "Thank you, mister... Wyatt. That's Karma, dickwad." She threw the wallet over her shoulder, pocketing the money just as she almost crashed into someone,

She quickly stepped back to avoid hitting the tall man, not even looking up to mutter an apology as she moved around him and went to continue walking,


Her head snapped up in surprise, not used to people calling her by name. Her lips parted as Steve stood there waiting for her to recognize him- as she had forgotten him.

They never spoke about their kiss. She just took off to lay low, without saying goodbye to anyone.

"Steve- hey..." Artemis didn't even notice how her hood fell from her head, her red hair coming into view as the bright sun shone brightly on it, eyes immediately straying to them as they tried to figure out who she was,

She was wearing casual clothes- a hood and leggings, a pair of black converses sealing off the look which was new to Steve. He had always seen her in her suit and with her heeled boots, it was a nice change.

"We are just about to see Thor take Loki back to their home. They have a cell waiting for him there." Steve informed her as he pushed his hand inside his pants pockets, ignoring how people stopped to stare and whisper about them,

More Than A Thief - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now