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Artemis slinked forward; her black eyes focused on the woman in front of her as she walked down the alley by herself.

She stopped around the corner, making sure the woman entered her building. After her silhouette disappeared behind the closed door, Artemis moved to climb the escape ladder beside the far wall, not even worrying herself as she had to walk in the dark alley in order to approach the ladder.

She glanced up, adjusting her black mask over her face, the only thing visible were her black eyes and red lips, her signature look. Her lean body was covered by a red bodysuit and black heeled boots, her red hair free in curls around her while she chose a bunch of accessories to compliment her look- the accessories being a series of different knives, daggers and a sword strapped down to her body.

Her fingers curled around the bars as soon as she leaped up in the air, easily sliding her body over the railing. Her heels clicked softly as they contacted with the metal holding her upright, easily climbing up until she knew she stood outside of the woman's apartment.

A loud scream suddenly pierced the air and Artemis didn't hesitate to throw herself through the window, rolling to absorb her fall as glass rained around her.

Artemis leaped to her feet with a knife ready inside her clenched fist, she jumped over the sofa, bursting inside the woman's bedroom as her screams never stopped.

"Hey, asshole!" Artemis growled out as the man held the woman down on her own bed, her face slick with tears as bruises started to form on her milky skin.

The man jumped away from the wailing girl, his hungry eyes finding her dark ones in surprise. Artemis looked at the girl with her lips pressed together, urging her with her head to get out while she stood between the man and the door.

The woman shakily got behind her, and Artemis didn't waste a second before she let the knife flying into the man's face, silently sad that his death came too soon for her likeness.

Artemis walked up the dead man, her heels clicking with every step she made. She bent her knees over the man's head, yanking her knife out of his forehead with a loud squelch that caused the innocent girl gag, her figure sprawled on her wall as she couldn't take her eyes out from the sight inside her room.

She stood to her height, turning on her heels to walk out of the room without uttering a word.

"Who are you?"

She glanced out of the corner of her eyes at the shaking girl, only pursing her lips to acknowledge she had heard her question. She dodged the glass around the window, easily sliding out and into the night air.

Artemis turned back to the scared girl, knowing this must be a pretty scary time for her to go through. She still needed to say her usual last sentence to the victims because it was something that protected her identity so she could continue being anonymous and save other people, "Don't mention to anyone I was here."

She turned with those words, jumping off from the window while the girl screamed in surprise and rushed to see her probably die.

But she didn't see her hero die after her suicide jump nor did she hear her.

She was just gone.

No sign of her, only the dead body, and broken window as a sign that she hadn't imagined everything that horrible night.


Artemis crossed the busy street, making her way to her run-down apartment. She sighed as she pushed her key into the lock, playing with it before a click sounded meaning that she had successfully unlocked her broken-run-down-piece-of-shit-front-door.

More Than A Thief - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now