Part 7

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You are at school and your class and all the other first year classes are going on a field trip to the beach
You are in the same class as yams and tsukki
After class- lunch break
Y/n: yamaguchi!! Are you going on the trip?
Yams: I am I'm excited
Y/n: me too *smiled*
Yams: let's get some lunch in the cafeteria
Y/n: okay!
After you guys got lunch you and yams went to go sit at an empty table
Hinata: hey guys are you going on the trip too?
Y/n: hey hinata yeah we are hehe
Hinata: great now we can do a whole bunch of stuff together
Yams: yup!
Y/n: hey hinata where's kageyama he's usually with you?
Hinata: hey at the vending machine outside the cafeteria because he's getting some milk
Y/n: oh okay
After class- at practice
Kiyoko: hey y/n I heard that you and the first year boys are going on a trip tomorrow?
Y/n: yes we are I'm sorry to leave you though kiyoko-san I promise to make it up to you when I get back next week
Kiyoko: don't worry about it's fine yachi isn't going on the trip so she will help me
Y/n: oh okay but I swear I will pay you back after the trip
Kiyoko: okay okay *giggles*
We were about to clean up and then someone opened he door
Kuroo: hey guys is  y/n here??
Y/n: hey Kuroo-san did you need something?
We are about to clean up
Kuroo: yeah I just wanted to walk you home?
Y/n: okay okay I'll be out just wait outside
Y/n: bye everyone have a good night
Kuroo: y/n let's go! You took forever!
Y/n: sorry onii-san let's go home now
Kuroo: okay
You and Kuroo arrived home
Kuroo: ahhh I'm hungry
Y/n: then make food
Kuroo: I can't I'll burn the house
Y/n: well I can't because I'm gonna go cosplay hehe
Kuroo: fine then I'll come call kenma to cook for me
Kenma arrived
Kenma: why did you need me to cook you food?
Kuroo: because y/n doesn't want to cook for me *pouting*
Kenma: fine I'll make something
You were cosplaying a guy you were really good at cosplaying that it didn't even look like you after you finished your makeup
You stepped out of the room to see Kenma
Y/n: hey Kenma
Kenma: uhhhhh Kuroo? Who is that?
Kuroo:oh that's my brother *playing along*
Y/n: hellooo I'm Kuroo's brother haha just playing Kenma it's me y/n I'm displaying as a guy 
Kenma: oh that scared me a bit but you look like an actual boy though nice job y/n
Y/n: thanks Kenma *proud*
You guys were eating then there was a knock on the door
Y/n: I'll get it
Y/n: hello who is it-
Y/n:hinata!?! Noya!?! What are you guys doing here
Hinata: is that you y/n!? You look like a guy!?
And also kageyamas chasing us and your house was the closest so we are gonna hide here
Noya: he's so fast damn those tall people with long legs
Y/n: haha why is he chasing you guys anyways
You let them inside the house to tell you and to hide from kageyama
Noya: while he was drinking his milk I squeezed the carton and it splashed all over his face and he got dirty
Y/n: ohhhh okay that's too bad you guys can hide in the cr
Hinata: cr?
Y/n: cosplay room now goooooo
Noya: okay
Kageyama knocked on the door
Y/n: hello?
Kageyama: hey....y/n? I'm looking for Noya and hinata those small little things ran from me
You looked at the milk on kags face and wiped it off with a towel
Y/n: relax they aren't here
Kageyama: oh okay and thanks  bye now
Y/n: bye bye
After that Noya bad hinata left and then you went to pack for tomorrow
The next day- at school
You had to get to school at 5:00am in the morning
Y/n: I'm here!
Teacher: okay y/n is here. Tsukishima?
Tsukki: here!
Teacher; okay guys we just for this trip we are allowing you to sit with anyone from any class in the first year okay?
Everyone: okay thank you senses
You were excited because you and the first years from the karasuno team would be sable to sit near each other
You went to look for them
You saw hinata and the others and walked over to them
Y/n: hey guys *smiles* let's all sit together on the bus
Hinata: yeah!
Yams: mhm we should
Kags: fine
You all got on the bus and sat near each other and you sat next to yams
You guys talked for a bit and then you fell asleep for a bit
Yams thinking: oh y/n's sleeping I should be quiet
Tsukki looked over at you and saw you sleeping
Tsukki: yams can you sit in my spot I'm gonna sleep there
Yams: oh okay Tsukki
You woke up and noticed you fell asleep on yams
Y/n:oh sorry yams I fell asleep-
Tsukki: it's fine *smiled*
Y/n: Tsukki what are you doing here isn't yams sitting here?
Tsukki: well yamaguchi wanted to sit over their next to the two idiots
Y/n: o-oh okay..
You felt kind of happy that Tsukki was sitting next to you because he comforted you
You guys arrived at the beach
Y/n: wow!! Look at the ocean it's so blueeeee!!
Hinata: let's gooooo swimmmmmmmmmmmm
You all went to change and ran out to the water
You wore a two piece bathing suit that was black and had strings on the side and the top looked kinda like a regular bra
You went in the water
Y/n: wow it's so cold! It feels so nice
Y/n: hinata!!!!!!! *laughs*
Y/n thinking: this is so fun! I don't ever want to leave
You got out of the water to just sit and relax
You saw yams and kageyama sitting at the chairs
Y/n: hey you guys done swimming already?
Yams: yeah it's a bit too cold for me heh
Kags: I just don't like when my fingers get a wrinkly and nasty so I don't stay in the water too long
Y/n: haha okay
You looked around because you didn't see Tsukki
Y/n: where Tsukki?
Yams: he went to go get some food for us since he wasn't swimming he should be here by now though
Y/n: oh okay!
Tsukki: I'm back with the food-
Tsukki looked at you and blushed at your bathing suit you were wearing
Y/n: hey Tsukki!! What'd you get!
Tsukki: just some stuff to cook on the bbq
Y/n: okay let's get started! I can cook it
After you cooked the food you guys all ate it
The boys: thank you y/n!!
Y/n: no problem *smiles*
You guys went back to the rooms we had rented for the week
Yams: the teacher said that their are five beds per room
Hinata:and there are five of us!!
Kags: you barely realized that?
Hinata: shut up!
Y/n: let's go up then
You had a towel around your body since it was night time and it was cold
You guys arrived at the room and you went to the bathroom to change into some clothes
You came out of the bathroom and everyone had already changed
You wore an oversized t-shirt and shorts under
Y/n: did I take long?
Hinata: no your okay!*smiles*
You guys watched a movie for a while and you got a text message
Kuroo: *texting* hey y/n didn't you say you were at the beach for a week?
Y/n:*texting*yea Kuroo-san I did why?
Kuroo: *texting* me, Kenma, bokuto, and akkashi are outside at the shore come chill with us
Y/n: *texting* okay sure I'll be over in a few minutes
Y/n: hey guys I'm gonna go out for a bit I'll be back bye!
The boys:bye!
Tsukki thinking: I wonder where y/n's going
You met up with Kuroo-San and the others
You ran up to them
Y/n:hey guys what are you doing here?
Akkashi: we are going to the same training camp and the beach was nearby so we came here
Y/n: cool now we can meet up after your guys practice
Bokuto: heck yeah!! Let's go in the water
Akkashi: you can't will get mad if we are wet when we return
Bokuto: let's put our feet in the water then!
Y/n: yeah let's come on let's go
You and bokuto ran to the water to dip your feet it. The water was cold and it felt nice
Kenma:...this is cold
Y/n: it's okay Kenma it feels refreshing!
Kenma: I guess..
Akkashi: it does feel nice hehe
Bokuto: I wanna go in the water now!!
Bokuto takes off his shirt and went into the water
Akkashi: bokuto-sann we are gonna get in trouble
Bokuto: it's okay it'll definitely be worth it *laugh*
Kuroo:yes it will
Then Kuroo took off his shirt and went in the water
Kenma and akkashi were sitting at the chairs
You were just standing in the shore while the water hit your feet
After a while you went back to the room
You arrived at the room and opened the door everyone was still awake
Kags: of course y/n is fine why wouldn't she be?
Hinata: shut up you thought she was dead already!
Kags: I did not! Quit lying!
Yams: guys calm down y/n's back already right?
Tsukki: where'd you go y/n?
Y/n: I went to go meet some friends*yawn* I'm tried I'm gonna go to sleep now good night everyone..
Hinata: goodnight!
The boys stayed up for a while
You woke up because you had to go use the bathroom. You walked to the bathroom as quietly as you could
After you used the bathroom you opened the door and saw...
Y/n: tsukki..? What are you doing?
Tsukki: Y/n? I was about to use the bathroom
Y/n: I just finished using the bathroom...
You guys kinda stood there for a bit in the awkward air
Y/n: well I'm gonna go back to sleep now goodnight Tsukki
You walked pasts tsukki and then he..
   To be continued...

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