Abraham 2/3

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"Please, please -Lord, stop!" Abraham waved his hands around from the ground. "You are ruining it!"

"Then get your ass up here and do it yourself!" Abigail flicked off her older brother from on top the roof. "I have to get ready for my date night but instead I am standing on the shortest fucking roof in all of Alaska -the shortest broken roof -helping you!"

Abraham looked around, shocked, "you offered!"

Abigail whistled a piercing noise, "Deme!"

Demetrius walked up behind Abraham, frightening the alpha. "Deme! Sound -we talked about this. Make noise."

"I strive to not be as loud as you and Abi." Deme had his hands behind his back, scarf warm against his neck, "how goes building?"

"Our sister is annoying," Abraham cupped his hands together, yelling, "and is doing everything wrong!"

"You asked me to measure -I am measuring!"

"You are breaking down the tiles!"

"To make space for your fucking chimney you want so badly!"

"Baba and I went over the plan at least fifty times -at least. We measured, cut and pasted everything perfectly -down to the last fucking tile! Adding -we are adding to the roof!"

Deme sighed softly, "You asked for her help."

"I did not! I did not ask for her help or your help. This is going to be Isaac and my home, and it is to be made by me -alone! You offered and I said no, and you came anyway!"

Demetrius looked up at his brother, "no need to yell."

"She cannot hear me if I do not yell, Deme."

"Yes, I can." Abigail was back on the floor." She growled at him, "Your house is small! Ha!"

"You are so -ugh! It does not matter, I need only one of everything."

"And when you have children?"

Abraham's breath hitched, "I-" He pulled off his beanie, sitting down on a tree stump Demetrius had cut down before complaining about being tired and walking away. "We cannot have children..." He rubbed his messy hair, "you know that."

Deme fixed his scarf, "says who?"


"Your genetics have been a lie since the beginning, Abby." Abigail folded her arms, "You are considered a half-wolf and you can transform. You have gone so far against genetics."

Demetrius nodded in agreement, wiping some snow off Abigail's shoulder, "Think of ama and baba. They are the first half-wolf and full-wolf to have children. No one could have predicted that."

"Yes but," Abraham huffed out white, "mom is a direct line -I just received the butt of it. Yes, I am blessed to be able to transform but -having a child seems like too much of a blessing." Abraham rubbed his knees, "Isaac and I have spoken about having children and -about not being able to. He says even if we cannot, there is always adoption, or none." The oldest alpha bit his lip, looking at his siblings, "but I know he wants a child. I know I want to give him one but, again, that is a stretch."

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