Matthew looked over the new faces who did not see him. He stood straight, hands behind his back, watching each recruit walk in. No one ever stood out to him, this year was no different, but they looked reliable. None were smiling –or crying, they seemed like a decent group.
He learned years ago to not judge soldiers on physical appearances –on things only seen with the eye.
“Sir.” A solider came in, head bowed.
Ezekiel stood up straight, “the new soldiers will be ready and seated in five minutes.”
Matthew turned around, “Good.” He smiled, “make sure food and drinks are available.”
“Of course, sir, already set out.”
Matthew turned back around, “any special ones?”
“We have many children from Royals –many from council.” Ezekiel stepped beside him, staring out, “a few without family.”
Matthew nodded, “they look like a good group.”
“Yes sir.”
Matthew looked at the soldier, “we will choose a leader from this group.”
Ezekiel swallowed hard, “Sir… it will be a few years until anyone from this group is old enough. Maybe you will change your mind.”
Matthew smiled tenderly, putting a hand on the side of Ezekiel’s neck, “this will be the group, alpha.” He nodded, “I must take care of Alaska on a larger scale.” Ezekiel bit his lip. “I will not leave you –any of you.”
Ezekiel looked down, “I just think –you may change your mind, sir.”
“I have worked hard in making my team the best –you do not think so?”
“Of course –of course, sir.”
“Then, from this group we will choose a leader.” He winked, “one better than me, I promise.”
Ezekiel clenched his jaw, “impossible, sir.”
Matthew sighed with a soft smile, “many things are possible, alpha, do not doubt that.” He turned on his heel, long coat following. “It has been six minutes, let us not keep them waiting.”
“Hello,” Matthew looked over each face, remembering each one that walk in. It was a smaller group than last year, so it was easier to remember the faces. “My name is Matthew Petra, I am the leader of this section.” He watched the faces of each teen change, some stood to bow. “Please, stay seated.” He smiled, “feel comfortable.” He clasped his hands together, “Welcome to military boot camp. You are here because you have excelled in Wolf’s Retreat and camp –you have been recruited by your camp counselors because of your interest in our military.” He walked to the left, “this boot camp is very different from wolf camp –extremely different. You are not training to be a wolf, because you already are one. You are training to be a warrior.” He took a breath, walking to the other side, “here, it will not be easy and many of you may go home. Please, this does not mean you are worthless or incapable. I judge by will and want, not by capabilities.