Chapter 12

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[ Aiko ] "Miss Y/n?"

[ Y/n ] "Yes?"

[ Aiko ] "Well, I was thinking-"

I caught a glimpse of a sword letter opener on someone's desk.

[ Y/n ] "Who sits right here?"

[ Aiko ] "Uhh umm, I don't remember their name"

I smirked and grabbed the tiny sword .

[ Y/n ] "I'm keeping this"

[ Aiko ] "Okay, I'll tell them"

She gives me a bow before leaving. As soon as my phone began to ring, I walked into my office to answer it.

[ Y/n ] "Hello?"

[ Hawks ] "Y/n, finally, you answer!"

[ Y/n ] "Hey, birdie!"

[ Hawks ] "Sorry that I left early; it was an emergency"

[ Y/n ] "Sure, but why did you call?"

[ Hawks ] "I won't see you for a week or two"

[ Y/n ] "Is that so? Why not?"

[ Hawks ] "Because of work"

[ Y/n ] "Work...okay, got it"

[ Hawks ] "I love you!"

[ Y/n ] "Yeah, love you too"

He hung up, and I became irate.

[ Y/n ] "Fuck...!"

I gripped the sword tightly and threw it at the door.

[ Aiko ] "AHH! Miss Y/n...?"

I observed Aiko trembling on the ground before slowly turning to face me.

[ Aiko ] "I-I will be going're in a bad mood"

Aiko attempted to flee by crawling, but I control her with my quirk and placed her in the chair in front of me and grinned.

[ Y/n ] "There's no need to be scared; I'm not that angry"

[ Aiko ] "W-we can let you have as many breaks...we have everything under control!"

[ Y/n ] "No, it's fine! I don't want to be selfish and let everyone do all the work."

[ Aiko ] "You're so generous, but I promise you can come back anytime or even check on us"

[ Y/n ] "Okay, but my break will start tomorrow"

[ Aiko ] "Yes, ma'am!"

I hugged her then pulled away.

[ Aiko ] "Uhh...thank you" *blush*

I chuckled


I came back home, seeing everyone in their zone.

[ Kurogiri ] "Welcome back, Y/n"

[ Compress ] "How was work?"

[ Y/n ] "It was okay, I find this sword letter opener, and it's really pretty"

[ Shigaraki ] "What did I tell you about being a griffin"

[ Y/n ] "I am not! Just because a griffin like sharp and shiny things doesn't make me one"

I rolled my eyes

To be continued

𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗣𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵 | 𝗗𝗔𝗕𝗜 𝗫 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now