Chapter 45

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(How y'all feel about the picture? I'm not really sure about it.) ☝︎︎

[ G/n ] "She's all yours"

[ Shigaraki ] "Thank you for whatever you did?"

[ G/n ] "Mhm!"

I walked towards Dabi and Toga

[ Dabi ] "How you feeling? Did she help you?"

[ Y/n ] "I'm feeling good again and yes"

Toga gave me a koala hug

[ Toga ] "Bestie, I miss you sooo much. You know what you should wear more often?!?"

[ Y/n ] "What?"

[ Toga ] "Blood!!"

I put her down and smiled

[ Y/n ] "Why don't we get ice cream when we head back?"

[ Toga ] "Okay!"

She skipped around and I look at Dabi

[ Dabi ] "Don't look at me, I deal with that wacko for years"

[ Y/n ] "You're right and don't be mean"


[ Shigaraki ] "We're back."

[ Mange ] "Did you brought food?!!"

[ Y/n ] "No..."

[ Mange ] "Aww, I'm starving"

[ Y/n ] "I can cook?"

[ Spinner ] "Y/n, my lady. You must be was just-"

[ Y/n ] "Don't worry, I can manage?"

[ Spinner ] "Please sit down. Toga, Twice, and I will cook, right guys?"

[ Toga ] "I don't know how to cook..."

[ Twice ] "I really don't feel like cooking"

[ Y/n ] "I insist since I live here and you all my guests"

I tried walking towards the kitchen but Mange got in front of me

[ Mange ] "Oh but look at look exhausted. You know what, you should just go to bed"

She tried pushing me away but I stopped

[ Y/n ] "Umm...I'm fine?"

Narrator POV

You enter the kitchen and find it completely filthy, which made you upset.

[ Spinner ] "So...I tried to cook but-"


Spinner ran out of the kitchen as fast as he can.

[ Dabi ] "What did you guys do?"


[ Y/n ] "You fools mess up my kitchen! And not only that but you made him cook?!? Everyone knows I don't like that lizard head!"

[ Spinner ] "You should be thankful that I made dinner"

[ Y/n ] "Shut the hell up! I want you all to clean the kitchen spotless or I'm ripping your heads off!"

[ Mange ] "But-"

[ Y/n ] "Go clean the kitchen...and Compress?"

[ Compress ] "Yes?"

[ Y/n ] "Go groceries shopping..."

[ Twice ] "Can I go?"

[ Y/n ] "No, I don't trust you going anywhere by yourself"

[ Twice ] "Make sense"

[ Compress ] "Yes ma'am, I would bring plenty of things you need!"

He disappeared and I sighed

[ Y/n ] "I think to myself on why I agree working with you guys"

[ Shigaraki ] "Because you love me and I needed your help?"

[ Y/n ] "I guess"

[ Shigaraki ] "About helping, I need to tell you the plans"

To be continued

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