Chapter 1 - As Luck Would Have It

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Makoto Naegi POV:

"So, where should we throw the party?" I asked after Mondo led Chihiro out of the classroom to detract the programmer. "Maybe the computer lab?" Junko suggested lazily. "No we can't Junko, and you know damn well why," Mukuro said tiredly after dealing with stupid suggestions from her sister.

"I guess that just leaves the gym to be our only choice, huh?" Sayaka sighed. We hoped to pick a less obvious spot, but all the other areas in school weren't really an option. "I say we should all have a partner and divide the work to spend the time we have efficiently," Ishimaru proclaimed. "That sounds like a good plan," Kirigiri said in her usual leader tone. "Well, then lets get started!" Aoi shouted excitedly.

Hajime Hinata POV:

"So the gym it is then!" Ibuki proclaimed excitedly. "I'll cook more than enough party dishes to satisfy everyone's needs," Teruteru said, with a quick smirk that only a few people know what he truly means. "Excellent, excellent indeed," Sonia cheered. "Me and Nagito will double check to see if the gym is free on Thursday," I said, "You guys start making decorations and games."

Me and Nagito started to walk to the office to make sure we were correct in our assumptions that the gym would be free. As Nagito and I were about to knock on the door, it opened up, almost hitting us. "Oh! Sorry about that-" the rather short boy with light hazel brown eyes said before being interrupted. "Ah! You are this year's Ultimate Luck transfer! It's such a pleasure to meet you," Nagito interrupted, always excited to meet someone he admired. "Ah- my apologies for interrupting you," Nagito apologized, adding on, "Trash like me need to learn to keep my mouth shut..." "Oh- my name is Makoto Naegi, and you must be Nagito Komahina! And please don't call yourself trash..." Makoto said. "Makoto, we need to get going now," the girl with lilac hair said. "Ok Giri Giri," which lilac head notably blushed at, "Well, it was nice meeting you, see you next time!" Makoto yelled as he was getting dragged by the girl he was with. "Well, I guess we should enter now-" I said before the bell rang, signifying that class would start in 3 minutes. "Dangit..." I muttered as Nagito and I walked to our class before we could even talk to the principal.

(Holy mother of Jesus, this chapter took a while ;-; anyway, I'm writing this fanfic in my free time witch I have little to work with :'D sooooooo chapters would take a while to make. Hope you have a good day/night)

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