Chapter 9 - Confessions

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Chiaki Nanami POV:

After hours of playing video games, I decided to get up and grab the card that Chihiro gave me. I stared at it for a while. I wish that I asked Chihiro about it today. But I couldn't. I'll try asking him tomorrow. I pulled up the covers and fell asleep.

I woke up at 11:54. I get up to grab breakfast in the cafeteria, when I see Chihiro eating at one of the tables. I quickly get my breakfast and speed walk towards Chihiro before getting stopped by Souda's yelling. "Hey Nanami~San! You're up early!" he yelled, which earned us a few stares. I turn over to where Chihiro was and saw him looking over. I wonder what he is thinking about this situation when Souda starts running over to me. "Do you wanna sit down with Miss Sonia~San and Tanaka?" he asked. "I want to see if I could make her jealous," he added on in a whisper. "Sorry, I'm going to be sitting with my friend," I apologized. "I thought we were friends?" he wined. "My other friend," I corrected as I started walking towards Chihiro.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked Chihiro once I got to his table. "Sure," Chihiro said. I noticed immediately that he was avoiding eye contact. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No no, I'm fine, just a little tired," he responded. Ok then... The both of us eat our food and head to my dorm.

"So, which video game did you feel like  playing?" Chihiro asked. "I'm not sure. Do you wanna pick?" "Hm... I don't really know, heh. Do you have any suggestions?" he asked. "Well, do you want to try out a more intense or calming game?" I asked, secretly trying to find out what he likes. "Let's try out a more calming game to start off with for now," Chihiro said. "Alright then, let's play Animal Crossing then," I said as cheerfully as I could.

I helped start the game and taught him all the controls before we started. After that, we went off to a smooth start. It took me a few hours to gather up the courage to ask him about the card. "Hey, Chihiro/Chiaki?" we both asked at the same time. We both were shocked about the fact that we both said something at the same time. "You can go first," Chihiro said quickly before I could say the same thing. "Umm... well..." I muttered. God this is so awkward. "It's... about... the gift you got me on our birthday," I quietly continued, looking down. "Oh, did you not like it?" Chihiro asked while looking ashamed. "No, it's not the gift itself," I refrased before continuing. "It's... what you said in the card..."

Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

Oh god... I completely forgot about the card. "I... I don't remember what I wrote, I- I'm sorry if I wrote something bad- I'm so sorry if I offended you!" I apologized profusely.

Oh god, what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write what did I write

"U-umm... wh-what did I write?" I asked nervously. I only remember that I was half awake when I wrote that, but what did I write? "It's... easier if you look at it yourself," she responded as she got up to grab what I'm assuming is the card, off her bedside table. I looked inside it. Holy crap. I can't believe my eyes. I re-read the card multiple times.

"Love Chihiro Fujisaki"

I could feel my face heat up, fast. "U-umm, I-I'm, u-uhh..." Crap, I feel like I'm going to faint. "H-hey, you said that you uh... wanted to say something aswell," Chiaki said, her face also red. "I- uhh... the thing is- it's well, uhh... r-remember when I was sick?" I asked. Chiaki just nodded in response. "Well, uhh... I'm guessing you thought I was asleep, but I," I paused, building up the courage to tell her before continuing. "I... you- I knew you umm... k-kissed me." There. I said it. I slowly look up to Chiaki. She completely covered up her face. "So I..." I started. "Chihiro..." Chiaki interrupted. "I. I think I know what you are going to say next, and I... I like you too, a lot."

"...I... thank you. I- can we," I stuttered. "Y-yeah." Chiaki responded. We then leaned into each other to... kiss...

All I can feel is pure bliss. This amazing girl is now my girlfriend. I'm so very happy.

The End.

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