Chapter 2 - Caught

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Hajime Hinata POV:

"Wow, you didn't even talk to the principal? Are you guys lazy pigs or something," Hiyoko scolded. Quick to defend Nagito and myself, "Well, someone was already there, so-" I retorted before getting cut off by Peko. "Listen, this is not something to argue about. You're going to alert the teachers." We all froze up from this, because that was the mutual phrase we would all use when Chiaki was nearby. In this case, she was starting to wake up from her nap.

"Mmm... is it already time for class?" Chiaki asked while yawning. "In a little bit," Fuyuhiko spat. On almost perfect comedic timing, the bell rang and the teacher came in the teacher came into the room.

Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

"Thanks for helping me work out today Mondo," I said, grateful for his help in putting on some muscle to make myself more prepared to face others. If it weren't for Danganronpa, my secret would be safe. Now my entire class knows. At least no one else knows... "Ay, dude. I kinda need your help with something..." Mondo said, ending my train of thought. "Hm? What is it that you need?" I responded. "Well uhh," his face started to get red... did I do something to make him angry? "I... I wanted to ask Ishimaru... on a... date... but I don't know where to take him... he's just so nice and I don't know what place he'd want to go to and... AGHHH! I just really need help..." Mondo continued, his face now a tomato. Thank goodness it's only- wait what. Did Mondo just ask me for dating advice? Why didn't he ask Kirigiri or Makoto? They are dating after all... and I've never been on a date before... "Maybe you should take him to a- umm... I honestly don't know... maybe to a go-cart track? It seems like a place where you need to follow the rules and I think you could release a lot of energy there," I said after thinking about it. "I guess we could give it a try. Thanks little dude," he said. "No problem! Tell me how the date goes afterwards," I said happily. "But I need to go now, see you tomorrow!" I added on. After I walked out of the gym and got changed was when it happened. Someone saw me leaving through the boy's locker room.

(HIDRXIYRHZORHW8YDDFW sorry for the illegal cliffhanger)

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