Chapter 7 - Gaming Cafe

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Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

As soon as I got to my dorm room, I immediately opened up the gift Chiaki gave me. Inside was a Nintendo Switch with a small selection of games cartridges to play. I suddenly got a text from Chiaki.

Chiaki Nanami: Did you open my gift yet?

Chihiro Fujisaki: Yep! Thanks a lot for the games. Did you open mine?

Chiaki Nanami: Yeah. Do you wanna meet up somewhere to play video games tomorrow?

Chihiro Fujisaki: Sure why not. Got any places in mind?

Chiaki Nanami: I was thinking about the gaming cafe that opened recently.

Chihiro Fujisaki: Sounds good to me. Maybe at 10am?

Chiaki Nanami: Sure. I'm going to bed now. Night

Chihiro Fujisaki: Goodnight

I'm suddenly really excited for tomorrow. I quickly get into my night clothes, brush my teeth and go to bed.

Chiaki Nanami POV:

What was I thinking what was I thinking what was I thinking what was I thinking what was I thinking what was I thinking what was I thinking

Did I just really ask Chihiro on a date? I mean, I didn't say date, but STILL. I'm definitely not acting like myself. I usually think before I say, stay up all night to play video games- what is happening?????? Ugh. My face feels hot, my heart feels like it's going to come out of my chest, I feel like kicking my legs everywhere in a mix of frustration and embarrassment, and I feel... happy. I can't stop smiling. I can't stop thinking about Chihiro. His smile, his laughter, the way his face lights up when excited, his personality, the way he can go from shy to upbeat... God, he's adorable. I could stay up all night thinking about him. Eventually though, I somehow fall asleep.

I wake up before my alarm. "Well that's a first," I muttered. Looking over at the pile of presents from yesterday, I started opening them. After that, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I wanted to wear something nice, but casual. I decided on simple jeans, a lemon yellow shirt, a half pink half white bunny jacket, and a navy blue kitty backpack. I look into my mirror. Not bad. It was 9:32. I grabbed my Switch case and started to make my way to the cafe. Once I got there, I saw Chihiro. He was in a forest green sweater, jean shorts and a black and white bear backpack. "Hey Chihiro!" I said cheerfully. "Hey Chia-" he started turning around to look at me. His cheeks started to flush red. Dangit, I'm probably overdressed. "O-oh! Chiaki! You look really pretty today," he said. I could feel my face heat up. "Thanks Chihiro, you look cu- I mean cool today." Luckily for me, I caught myself about to call him cute. No doubt that he is adorable, but it would be weird. "Thanks! Should we start checking in?" Chihiro asked. "Yeah, sounds good."

Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

God, I really wish I wore nicer clothes. I mean, yeah the clothes Hagakure got me were really nice; but I would've worn something nicer if I knew that Chiaki would wear something that looks really cute on her, even though she's wearing casual clothes. He said in his card that I would need these clothes for a date- hold on. Date... DATE?!

No this isn't a date we are just going to a cafe to play video games together, no this isn't a date we are just going to a cafe to play video games together, no this isn't a date we are just going to a cafe to play video games together, no this isn't a date we are just going to a cafe to play video games together, no this isn't a date we are just going to a cafe to play video games together. No. This. Isn't. A. Date. We. Are. Just. Going. To. A. Cafe. To. Play. Video. Games. Together.

"Chihiro? Are you ok? Your face is getting red," Chiaki said in a concerned tone. "And your temperature is rising," she continued, putting her hand on my forehead; only causing me to become deeper shades of red. "Are you sick Chihiro?" she asked, only become more concerned. "N-n-no, I-I'm f-fine," I stuttered nervously. I looked up at her face to see that she clearly didn't believe me. "I'm taking you to your dorm," she said. She (quite literally) dragged me to my dorm, despite my protests. When we got to the dormitory, she asked for my keys. "Nonononono, Chiaki, seriously, I'm fine," I said. "No you're not. Your temperature is really high, you probably have a fever. Now get in bed and I'll go call my friend Mikan to see what's up with your temperature," she responded. I, but grudgingly, got into bed as Chiaki left to call her friend. After maybe 10 minutes, Chiaki entered my room with another girl, who I'm assuming is Mikan. "U-um... h-hi Fu-Fujisaki~san. I-I'm Mi-Mikan Ts-Tsumiki, a-and I'm g-going t-to u-uh... Na-Nanami~san? Wh-wh-what w-was it th-that I n-needed to d-do?" Mikan asked. "Can you check and see if she is sick," Chiaki said, keeping my gender a secret. "O-oh! R-r-right... S-sorry a-about th-that..." Mikan said. After a few minutes, Mikan said, "W-well, y-your t-temperature i-is s-slightly hi-higher th-than a-average, b-but i-if wh-what Na-Nanami~san s-said i-is true, th-then y-you sh-should get some r-rest." "Ok then. I'll take care of Chihiro from her on out, so you can go back doing what you were doing before," Chiaki said. "O-ok th-then. G-goodbye," the nurse said as she was leaving my room. After making sure I was comfortable, Chiaki left my room to grab me and herself some food. Once she came back, I said, "Thanks for keeping my secret." "No problem. It was a promise after all. Now eat," Chiaki responded.

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