Chapter 3 - Promise

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Chiaki Nanami POV:

I saw Chihiro Fujisaki leave the boy's locker room. This surprised me to the point where I couldn't move. When Chihiro noticed me, her- his smiling face dropped. "I-I-I- th-this isn't what it looks like!" Chihiro yelled, luckily for him, there wasn't anybody nearby. "So... you're a boy?" was all I could manage. "Ye-yes!- I... Please please please please please don't tell anyone! I don't want anyone finding out yet..." he said, lowering his voice this time. "It's alright, I promise not to tell anyone... but why are you hiding the fact that you're a guy?" I asked. "We-well... I don't really want to be a bother to you or anything but..." Chihiro said, collecting his thoughts. After some time, he said, "I was... bullied as a kid... because I was 'too girly' and... well I started... cross dressing to avoid that..." After that, I said "Hmm... well I don't think you should hide that you're a boy just because some people may think otherwise. Of course, only when you are ready... I think..." "Well... I wanted to build some muscle first before telling people so they could accept that I'm a guy," he said in a slightly confident tone. "That sounds unnecessary to me. Those people don't know the real you. They most likely won't have any impact on your life. So what I'm trying to say is... you shouldn't listen to what other people think about you and just be yourself, but only if you want to," I said.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

She's right. I shouldn't care about what other people think! I don't have to make myself worthy to people who I don't even know! "You... no one's ever told me that before... thank you. A-ah! I just realized I never asked for your name! I'm Chihiro Fujisaki!" "I know. You were in last year's Danganronpa. I'm Chiaki Nanami. I was in Danganronpa 2 years ago." "Oh! So that's why I thought you looked familiar. It's nice to meet you," I said excitedly. "Yes, same here," she responded. "Umm... see you around Chiaki!" "See you aswell Chihiro."

Lazy time skip to Chihiro's dorm room

"Hi, nice to see you again master!" Alter Ego said as I opened up my laptop. "It's nice to see you to!" I typed, eager to talk about my day. "Can I tell you about my day?" "Of course!" "Well... nothing really interesting happened in class. I worked out with Mondo aswell. But this girl, Chiaki, saw me leaving the boy's locker room. She promised to keep my gender a secret, which I'm really grateful for. She was really nice too. She gave me some advice aswell. I can't stop thinking about her!" I typed. "Oh! Did you get her number?" Alter Ego asked. Ack! I forgot to ask her! Hghhhhhh... she's was really pretty and nice and thoughtful and- wait... AHHHH! Why am I getting these thoughts about her!? I just meet her today, and sure, she is really pretty and cute- and sure, I did feel really sad when she was announced as the traders, but everyone thought that! "No, I forgot..." I typed after a few minutes of collecting my thoughts.

(Just so we're clear, the next chapter is not a next day thingy)

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