Chapter 7 - Birthday

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Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

I woke up early and got dressed. Today's Saturday, so no school. I leave my dorm to get to the game store with a taxi. I bought the booster pack and some light pink wrapping paper with strawberry patterns. After wrapping up the present, I decided to write a note with it. 'Happy Birthday'? Nah, that's too generic. 'Happy Gaming'? Maybe. I suddenly realized how tired I was, and it was still pretty early. I scribbled down a birthday message, taped it on the present, and went to bed.

"Hey little dude!" Mondo said as I opened the door, still tired. "Good morning Mondo," I said while yawning. "Morning? It's 4:23? Did you stay up last night?" he asked. Wait, 4:23? "What did you want to do today?" I asked, forgetting his previous question. "I was thinking 'bout running laps in the gym," Mondo said. "Yeah, ok. Let me just grab my jumper," I responded, walking back into my dorm. As we're walking to the gym, I see Chiaki walking with another guy. Is... he her boyfriend? Heh, of course she'd have a boyfriend. She is so nice, how could she not? "Oh, hey Chiaki! How are you?" I asked. "I'm doing good. You?" she responded. "Eh, still pretty tired. Is he your boyfriend?" "Eh? No no, he's just my friend. Besides, he likes someone else," Chiaki responded as she blushed. Oh, thank go- nopenopenopenopenope- I ain't thinking that. Not right now. "Well, see ya later," Mondo said in an impatient tone. "See ya Chiaki." "Same here."

Chiaki Nanami POV:

As Hajime was walking with me, he suddenly made a turn to look at me. "Hey, Chiaki, I need some help with something," he said while twitching his thumbs. "I- uhh... gosh this is so weird can you... help me ask Nagito on a date? Like, I know where to bring him but-" he started. "You're too nervous to," I finished. "Ye-yeah... so, uh... can you give him this note for me?" he asked really nervously. "Sure, just let me text him to see where he is," I responded. I pulled out my phone and texted Nagito.

Gamerest Girl: Hey Nagito? Where are you?

Hope infested Bagel: I'm in the gym, why?

Gamerest Girl: I need to give something to you, so do you mind staying there?

Hope infested Bagel: Of course, anything for the symbols of hope

"I'll deliver your note now. Do you wanna come?" I asked. "Yeah," Hajime said. I nodded to him as I started walking back to the gym. Wasn't Chihiro just going there? Huh. As Hajime and I opened up the waiting area right next to the locker rooms to get to the gym, we bumped into Chihiro and his friend. "Huh? Didn't we just see you two?" Chihiro's friend asked. "Weird coincidence, huh?" Hajime responded. "Yeah, whatever, let's just go," Chihiro's friend said. All of a sudden pushing me and Chihiro into the gym. I noticed immediately that the lights in the gym were off. "H-huh?! Mondo, why did you-" Chihiro started before being cut off by the lights turning back on and a crowd of people yelling. "Happy surprise Birthday Chiaki and Chihiro!" everyone either yelled, sang, said and whatever way to describe the specific terms of speech. After my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw that my whole entire class and what must be Chihiro's class. I realize right then that I forgot that the date was March 14th. I guess everyone wanted to throw a birthday party for us. Everyone got to know each other. The party was actually really fun. There was a lot of food, music, games; heck, there was even a TV screen with loads of consoles for people to play on. After hours of this, it was clean up time. After that, it was dinner time. We all ate a good meal made by Teruteru. Some of us started to leave, including Chihiro and I; the both of us holding our presents. I quickly walked to my dorm room to grab the present I wrapped for Chihiro. On my way to his dorm, we bumped into each other. "Oh sor- ah! Chiaki! I was looking for you," Chihiro said. "Same, I came here to give you this," I said as I handed him the present I made for him. "Thanks! I actually wanted to give you your present," Chihiro said with joy in his eyes. "Well, I'm turning in for the night. Goodnight," I told him. "Night Chiaki," Chihiro said. When I got to my room, I collapsed onto my bed. Today was tiring. I opened Chihiro's gift to find an Animal Crossing booster pack. I smiled. He remembered that I started playing it. I realized that there was a note that must have fallen off the gift. I picked it up, reading it. "I hope you enjoy my gift! Love, Chihiro." My cheeks started to heat up. "Love?" I said aloud. Maybe he ment to write something else? I... does he like me?

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