!IMPORTANT! Author's Note

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Holy Jesus. Thank you all for reading :D
Thank you all so so so soooo much for reading this story. You people are amazing. And I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner, it was the end of the quarter on Friday and all my free time was spent studying q-q

I'm taking requests now :D
I'll only be doing one at a time though. Please tell other peoples about dis cause I'm kinda bored :'V

All requests I'm going to take need to be Danganronpa related because I only really have knowledge of that :V

I'll do fluff and/or angest, however I will not be doing lemon/smut

Please be explain about what yall specifically want me to write. Gimme a scene, specific characters, stuff like that

All requests will be one-shots, sorry

All commissions will be in one story thing, it'll be on my profile thingy once I create it

I refuse to do any pedo or incest ships, they're just disgusting.

The 14th of March (Chiaki x Chihiro)Where stories live. Discover now