Chapter 8 - Feelings

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Chiaki Nanami POV:

"How are you feeling?" I asked Chihiro after he ate his food. "Better." "Good. Do you want to play video games tomorrow after you rest?" I asked. "Yeah, sounds good," he responded. I picked up my 3DS and started to play some Kirby. A few minutes passed when I turned to look at Chihiro, who was now sleeping. He looked really peaceful aswell. He was so cute, I couldn't help but blush. Before I could stop myself, I got up and placed a kiss on his forehead. I then turned my attention back on my game, face hotter than ever. After a few hours, I checked the time. I got up to grab dinner for Chihiro, and when I got back, he was awake. "Hey Chiaki. How long was I asleep?" he asked while yawning. "3 hours at the least, I think." "Oh! Sorry if you had any plans for today..." Chihiro apologized. "My only plans for today was going to be playing video games anyway, so you didn't really bother me," I responded, which made Chihiro blush. "Anyways," I continued, "I'm going back to my dorm now. If you need anything, don't be afraid to give me a call. Goodnight," I said. "Night Chiaki, and thanks for taking care of me," Chihiro responded as I closed the door. Once it closed, I leaned back to the door, slowly dropping down to the floor; my hands covering my face. I don't really want to leave him. Even though my heart races and my face gets hot, I like being around him. It's... nice. "Nanami ~chan! What are you doing on the ground? This isn't even your dorm you silly," Ibuki said, surprising me. "Oh, it's nothing really. I'm just tired," I said. "How is Fujisaki? Is she better?" Mikan asked. "She's doing better, yeah..." It was awkward silence for awhile. Really awkward silence. "Ibuki thinks you liiiiike her, don't you Nanami~Chan," Ibuki said, breaking the silence. "I-Ibuki, th-this r-really isn't any of our business..." Mikan scolded to her girlfriend. "Sorry sorry, Ibuki~Chan just thinks that Nanami~Chan just doesn't realize that she's in loooove yet," Ibuki said, but quickly adding on, "Like when Mikan~Chan didn't realize when she loved Ibuki~Chan!" "I-Ibuki!" Mikan almost yelled. "I'm going to my dorm. Goodnight," I said before walking away. Once I got to my dorm, I continued to play video games.

Chihiro Fujisaki POV:

Once Chiaki left my dorm, I buried my face into my pillow. I guess Chiaki thought I was asleep when she...

Then realization of the situation hit me. We have the same feelings for each other. Or at least I think. I quickly get up and open up my laptop. "Hi Master!" Alter Ego greeted me. "Do you remember Chiaki Nanami?" I typed. "The girl you have a crush on? Yep! I remember her," Alter Ego said, making me blush. "Well, she thought I was sick today. When she thought I was asleep, she," I typed before stopping, remembering what had happened, "kissed me on the cheek. She doesn't know that I know." "Oh! Congratulations! How are you going to confess your feelings to make things official?" Alter Ego asked. I paused before responding. I knew that I was going to tell her, but how? Do I just say that I love her? "I don't know how to confess to her. Do you have any suggestions?" I asked. About a minute had passed before Alter Ego responded. "After searching the web and analyzing stories, there are many different ways to tell someone that you love them. Building up your courage is the first step, which in multiple different sources, state that it can take years to build up courage." Years? Maybe... "But how exactly do I tell her my feelings?" I typed. "There are many different ways for people to confess their feelings. For you specifically, the web suggests that if you are too shy to tell her your feelings face to face, you should give her a call or pre-recorded message." Alter Ego said. Well. That was genuinely helpful. "Thank you for the suggestions. I'm going to bed now." "Goodnight master!"

I slept a lot today, so I'm actually not tired. I decided to open up the rest of my presents. I wonder how I should tell Chiaki that I like her? Maybe I should ask Makoto or Kyoko. Or maybe Mondo? Hmm... I still can't sleep. I'll just play some video games. Yeah. That sounds good. After looking at my choices, I decided on a game called Stardew Valley. That sounds good. After a few hours, I fell asleep.

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