Chapter 4 - Planning

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Mahiru Koizumi POV:

"So... you're saying that when you check up with the principal, he said that the gym was already reserved for a birthday party on the same day?" Hajime asked for the second time. "Yes, but then he said that he'd check up on the other group to see if it could be a double birthday party," I responded. "Sense you boys don't seem to understand how to do a simple task," I added on, with a touch of frustration in my voice. "And you are supposed to be the Ultimate Luck Nagito. Can't you control your 'Luck Cycle,' or whatever you called it?" I said, scolding Nagito. "Well, I guess that would be expected from trash like me, huh?" he responded. "And he said that the other group was fine with it!" Hiyoko cheered. "Well, that's the Luck Cycle for you," Nagito said. "Who's the other party we're going to crash?" Nekomaru asked. "Class 78, the birthday girl is Chihiro Fujisaki," I answered. "Wait, 2 people are coming, I think it's Hajime and Chiaki," Akane said, looking up from her snack. Everyone knew the drill by heart now. Some of us started to chat with each other about the regular stuff. Akane was right though, it was Hajime and Chiaki coming in. Lucky for us, huh?

Celeste Lunenburg POV:

"Y-y-you d-did wh-wh-what?!" Toko Fukawa blurted out. "I allowed class 77-B to hold their classmate's birthday party at the same place as we are holding for Fujisaki. Is there a problem?" I asked. "N-no... y-you sh-should've t-told us be-before d-doing th-that," she stuttered. "Well, I say the more the merrier, right Sakura?" Aio Asahina said, looking at her friend. "I do believe that would be quite lovely Aoi," Sakura Ogami responded. "I don't see why not," Leon Kuwata said. "I think Toko is just nervous that there'll be more people there than expected," Komaru Naegi said, always there to defend the introvert. "Y-yeah! Th-that's wh-what I was t-trying t-to say!" She yelled. "Huh? What going on? Why was Toko yelling?" Chihiro asked as he was walking into the classroom. I glanced at the clock, 9:21. He's usually in this classroom early... "You see, Toko was yelling at me because I asked her if she and Komaru are dating yet," I said with an innocent smile, keeping my pokerface. Toko then shoved a book in her face to hide her embarrassment, while Komaru cuped her face in her hands. Just as I expected. "I heard Toko yelling something along the lines, 'Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say,' or something. So wait, Toko, are you and Komaru-" Chihiro asked before Komaru cut him off. "N-no... I was explaining to Celeste that we are just friends, aaaand Toko was just... agreeing with me," Komaru lied. "Oh, sorry for making assumptions," the small boy replied. "Anyways, do you want to work out with me and Sakura after school?" Aio asked Chihiro. "Mondo said he was busy, so I thought you could train with us!" Sakura added on. "Oh! Thank you so much you guys," Chihiro said happily. Good, now this gives the rest of us more time to prepare.

Makoto Naegi POV:

Ugh, I wish school went by faster... my class and class 77-B met up at the gym though. I didn't realize that Nagito and Hajime were in 77-B, so at least that's a start. Anyways, we were able to finish decorating the gym around mid dinner time. We all ate our dinner before setting up a time to meet up for Chihiro and a girl named Chiaki's surprise party. As I'm about to open my dorm, I see Chihiro. I was about to call out at him to say hello, I saw that he was with someone. "It was nice hanging out with you Chihiro," the girl said. "Yeah, same here! You're a really interesting person to talk to Chiaki." Wait... Chihiro is friends with Chiaki? I guess that's not really surprising. After all, Chihiro is the Ultimate Programmer and Chiaki is the Ultimate Gamer. Well, they seemed to be enjoying themselves, so it'll be rude to interrupt them. I'll just get into my dorm.

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