Chapter 9 - MAE DAY

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Suri got better over the next few days and the twins luckily didn't catch it, or me. She was back to school today and not happy about it. She hated school and cried all the way there. It took me half an hour to be able to leave and the teacher carried her off crying again. I hated school too!

I took the twins to the book shop to pick some new books for Suri and of course I can get myself coffee and a cake. They were cooed over by everyone again and Bay eyed me hungrily for food but they weren't on solids yet, his special baby milk was making him put on weight but they didn't have those rolls of baby fat I loved. He had long skinny legs like his sister, the type that made his blue booties look massive. His cheeks were fatter than his sister and as I made 'booey booey' faces and noises at him I was rewarded with a smile. Sometimes I was so sure he was going to giggle but he never quite makes it. Willow is more a silent observer except when crying for a bottle or farting and leaving me a nasty gift. I laughed to myself about Lee changing Bay and the nurse saying 'it was only a little poo'. He was not happy and it made me wonder if he ever changed his daughters nappy. Surely he had come across poo before.

Coffee finished I pushed them around the store and chose some books for Willow. I put her cake in my bag for later and headed off to the toy store. The twins were getting more coordinated so I wanted to get them a few more toys. Bay started to kick his legs when he scrunched up a patch of cloth on a keyring fob with made a crackling sounding. He managed to give it a good chew before I even paid for it. Willow wasn't interested in anything and got ratty. It was times like this I wished my sister and her husband were alive as they were missing out on so much and I was sure the babies would be doing better with them than me.

Eventually I made it home, got them fed and changed. We had a nap and I woke on the sofa to the alarm on my phone. It was time to go fetch Suri. Strapping the kids back into the car seats, then into the car and off to school, I wished I could have just nipped out in the car and picked her up without the hassle of loading up the babies. I let a fantasy enter my mind of Lee staying with them or calling and saying I'll pick her up you stay there. It was a silly fantasy but hey my world was full of kids and very little to do with adults. I was bound to crave some adult attention, especially from him... that body was... ok stop it, practically married man. I would not let my fantasies get carried away. Maybe this is how my sister started with Glen I wondered, and the fact I was now leading her life in some respects sent chills down my spine.

At the school gates I unloaded the twins into their pram and pushed them into the playground to pick up their big sister/cousin. Suri's class came out third and she ran over holding up a drawing.

"Look mummy, I made a picture of me, you, daddy and the babies," she said holding up a very colourful masterpiece.

"Wow that is brilliant," I said enthusiastically. "We will have to put it with your others."

"Yeah and I hurt my knee," she said holding up the hem of her dress to show a graze.

"Oh dear," I said bending to kiss it better.

"I had a plaster on it but it fell off. It stings," she said as we left school and made our way home.

"I have a party!" she yelled when we got home and she emptied her bag. Sometimes people put invites in their bags and the kids don't realise. She spent the next ten minutes hyper with excitement as I made her dinner.

"I love this dinner," she said later as she scoffed it. She had her fathers appetite.

I presented her with her cake after. A pretty cup cake with glitter on she posed for a photo with it before demolishing it. The rest of the night was kids TV, her singing and dancing on her games and a book in bed. The usual routine. I found myself feeling a sense of pride that we had a routine and I was coping all on my own. Well I had friends but not 24-7 help and Suri was great at amusing the babies whilst I got their bottles ready or run a bath.

There was one thing bothering me today 'Lee', where did he go and why did I care so much? I should be glad he left but instead I kept looking towards the door and every night at 2:00a.m. I was listening in the hope he came back. I hoped he wasn't in trouble for being here and I hoped he wasn't dead!

I hadn't been on Facebook to get rid of Garfield yet either. I decided to do it whilst I was thinking about it. Freinds request 1 - Cookie Monster. My heart raced. It was him! I knew it because the profile pic was one of Suri's burnt cookies.

I accepted and sat there waiting. Half an hour later I was getting anxious so paced the floor. Checked my notifications were on. They were.... I'll send him a message. Is that dangerous? Maybe he hasn't got a ping to tell him I accepted him. I'll message him.

"Hey nice cookie," I wrote and sent it.

A minute later. A ping.... I screamed and clapped like a teenager getting a message from her crush.

"Thanks, do you want to send me a picture of your cookies?"

Oh my god this wasn't him... I was staring at the screen wondering what to do when it pinged.

"Gotcha! How is my baby? Still poorly?"

"You swine, I seriously thought you were another perv," I replied.

"You were the perv last time we met. Now how is my baby?" he asked.

"Cheeky! She is back to her hyperactive self. I never knew one little bum could wiggle in front of the telly so much. She has a party invite so was very excited and had chicken curry for dinner and a cupcake with glitter for pudding."

I uploaded the picture and waited.

"She is so big!" he typed back.

"Yeah she has grown another inch and needs new shoes so we are going to get her some this weekend. I bet she picks something pink."

"I wish I could buy them for her," he replied.

"You are, it is your money," I reminded him.

"It is your money," he replied. "How are the twins?"

"Double trouble. They are growing well and Bay is keen to try food but not allowed yet so he just drools and stares," I replied and put up the picture of him at the cafe. Yes I had turned into a pap-mum. Always got my camera ready.

"Wow he is so much like my brother," he replied.

"Yeah his eyes are still changing colour but I think they may be green but Willow still has Blue."

"Can I come over tomorrow?" he asked and my heart jumped for joy as my face flushed.


"Well it is about midnight now so in about an hour," he replied and I freaked out. I was bouncing on the sofa like Suri.

"Do you think that is wise?" I asked.

He took a while to reply.

"Is that a no then? You would rather I didn't."

"I just don't know if it is safe and I don't know if it is good for you to torture yourself with being so close to her and not touch," I replied. "I feel guilty for having you here and not waking her saying 'Daddy is here' as I know she wants that more than anything."

"Ok." Was the only reply I got and he went off line.

I waited up and even slept on the sofa for a while but he didn't come and when I check online later whilst feeding Bay he hadn't sent another message.


MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now