Chapter 10 - MAE DAY

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Weeks later Suri was ready for her party. She was half way between hysterical and spontaneous combustion due to over excitement.

"Oh it's beautiful," she said stroking her ringlets. It had taken me ages to get her to sit still long enough to do it and she wanted nail varnish on to match her bright pink, satin dress with netting to make it all puffy. Thank god it was a boys party or she would be outdoing the party girl. She looked stunning!

She sat still, barely breathing as I pretended to put mascara on her but had swapped the wand for a cotton bud at the last minute. I did however put on a bit of her toy makeup and my heart melted when she opened her green eyes and looked at me just like her daddy. God I missed him!

"Right lets get going Princess," I said after taking a few pictures of her posing in her outfit, holding the card and present, on her bike in the garden (her decision) and of course with the twins as she insisted they be dressed up too. Willow even filled out a dress now and Bay was nearly out of 3 month year olds and into six. They were still behind on the full term baby growth chart but I was assured they would catch up.

Bay's first taste of food had not gone well and left us both scarred for life. He had choked and wretched, and had Wendy's mother not been supervising I would hate to think what would happen. He was far too hysterical afterwards to try another spoonful and instead he has been having some rusk in his bottle at night to fill up his belly. His swallow reflect was not able to cope with food yet according to the nutritionist at the hospital. I was to try him with bits of liquidated things stuck on the end of his dummy but I was not confident enough yet.

Willow had a chest infection last week so has been back on oxygen, which means lugging around her travel tank, hooking her up to a noisy machine as night and a tube taped to her face. She hated it! I hated it and I hated taking the tape off even more as it was making her tiny cheeks sore.

"Mummy!" Suri yelled as we approached the venue for the party. She screamed in excitement... thank god the twins were now used to her outbursts and although they jumped and whimpered they soon settled down when they heard me say 'Shhhh'.

"Ok find me a parking space," I said as we pulled into the ram packed car park.

She had an eagle eye for a space. "Over there," she said pointing at one three rows ahead and bouncing in her seat.

As soon as we parked she was unbuckling and grabbing her gift bag. Spotting some of her friends in cars and banging the window to say hi. I had to get her inside before she missed another second of party time. I hauled the pushchair out of the boot and lifted the car seats into it with the babies strapped in and looking all partified.

"Hand," I ordered to the yoyo child beside me before we headed in.

Two seconds in the door and she was running to hug two little girls who were just as loud as she was. Eventually after floating around in her dress like a social butterfly she remembered her manners and fetched the gift to give to the birthday boy.

"Here you go Kingston, Happy Birthday," she said and kissed his cheek. This caused a flurry of 'Awwws' and camera flashes which she didn't like so run and hid behind my leg.

She wasn't there long because the clown/magician started and she rushed to sit with all the other children laughing hysterically at the magic tricks. Then danced for an hour non stop to the disco, holding a flower made out of balloons from the clown. Where he got the puff to make all those animals I don't know. I wouldn't even be able to blow up one. Hats off to him, he was a top notch children's entertainer.

The smell that started to sneak up my nose whilst holding Willow for a dance meant she needed a nappy change. I took them off to the changing room as Tammie, Lauren's mummy, watched the girls dancing.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now