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Denki Kaminari's POV

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Denki Kaminari's POV

"Now, Its about time you all chose your career path... I would hand out the sheets but I know you all want to go the hero route!" The teacher said dramatically, I heard Katsuki scoff as everyone showed off they're quirks, Well, Everyone apart from Katsuki, Eijiro, me, and Izuku of course.

"Katsuki, You're going to UA arent you?" The teacher asked, He scoffed and smiled. He stood up and jamp onto his table.

"Of course I am! We're going to be the only extra's from this shitty school to get into UA!" He said as everyone started yelling at him "OH BRING IT ON!" He said as he got angry.

"Oh, It says here Kaminari, Kirishima and Midoriya are trying out for UA." The teacher just had to say, The whole class erupted in laughter.




"No way! They'll die in the exams!"

"OI, SHUT UP YOU SHITTY EXTRAS!" Katsuki said standing up. "We have a better chance than all of you!" The class just kept on throwing insults, Saying some transphobic and homophobic slurs.

"Alright, let's continue class." The teacher said once the class had stopped insulting us.

Before we knew it, the class was over and we all were packing up our things to leave. I was zoned out, Just thinking about life and why we're still alive.

I started thinking of theories, What if the only reason we're alive is to die? It'd make sense since we're born and then we die, What we do in between is left to us and fate if you believe in that kinda stuff.

Then I also started thinking about why some people die earlier than others. Is it because God needs his angels back or what...

"Hey, Kami!" Katsuki yelled as he waved his hand in front of my face, I flinched away.

"Ah, Was I zoned out again?" I asked him, He nodded and I grabbed my bag and then swung it over my shoulder, Following Katsuki to where Izuku and Eijiro were talking. I caught Katsuki fixing his cochlear implant as he joined us.

We all walked home together, Deciding to take a different route than normal so we could relax on our way.

We started walking through the tunnel and we all heard some movement behind us, well Katsuki didn't but Izuku soon alerted him and we turned around to see a sludge thing coming towards us.

"Perfect! I have a few to chose from~" The sludge monster said and then grabbed Izuku, We all started yelling at it as Katsuki readied his explosions, Eijiro hardened himself and then I started getting my quirk ready.

We all ran forward and started to attack it, Eijiro hit the eyes of the thing as it seems to be the only solid thing as Katsuki got ready to catch Izuku and I electrocuted it. It hurt me a lot and then all might appeared from nowhere and shoved the sludge into a few bottles as the slime went all split up.

Katsuki hugged Izuku tight as Eijiro made sure I didn't hurt myself too badly.

"Well thank you for that, children!" All might said smiling. "May I know your names?"

"Im Izuku Midoriya sir!" Izuku said with the brightest smile ever, He's loved All Might since a child. He's one of the only heroes Izuku trusts after the incident that killed his mother.

"Katsuki Bakugo." Katsuki also loved All Might, I remember when we were younger we'd all fight over the All Might cards our parents got us.

"Eijiro Kirishima!" Eijiro wasn't that fond of all might, He hated his smile but yet again he respected all heroes. His favorite hero is Crimson Riot as he's so 'manly'

"And im Denki Kaminari!" I finished. "Wait, sir! The caps are loose." I said to him, pointing to the bottles.

"Ah, Thank you Young Kaminari. I must be off now!" All Might said as he prepared to jump away.

"Wait!" Izuku yelled. "We have a question."

"Be quick." All might answered

"Can I become a hero with no quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Can I become a hero when im deaf?" Katsuki asked.

"Can I become a hero if im trans?" Eijiro added.

"Can I become a hero with Autism and a quirk that hurts me?"

"No, None of you can be heroes. Midoriya, If your quirkless then you'll just end up becoming a problem for the other heroes. Bakugo, You won't be able to hear people's calls for help and will end up getting someone killed. Kirishima, You'll just get in the way. Personally, I don't think trans people should even be allowed to go to school. Kaminari, You'll just get in the way. If your quirk hurts you, you'll probably end up hurting an innocent. So my answer is no, None of you can be heroes."

"We'll prove you wrong All Might. Remember our names, We'll be the top heroes!"


Words: 823

Date posted: 10/10/20

Time: 10:00pm (ish)

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