✾ Chapter 1 - The Boys ✾

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Kirishima's POV

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Kirishima's POV

After that day, We haven't been the same. The number one hero said that we could be heroes and would end up hurting someone... That's just, unfair!

Currently, the four of us are sitting in our shared room at the orphanage. The orphanage owners are really nice to us and are very accepting of Eijiro as he's trans and they all basically know we're gay as we sometimes make weird jokes about it.

 The orphanage owners are really nice to us and are very accepting of Eijiro as he's trans and they all basically know we're gay as we sometimes make weird jokes about it

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That's what our beds look like. On the left bunks, we have Katsuki on top and then Izuku on the bottom, and then on the right im on the top while Kaminari is on the bottom.

We all have decorated the room to our style. All the bedsheets are plain white but we all have blankets and things we put on them.

Katsuki has an orange fluffy blanket with a matching fluffy pillow. He has a little teddy bear that he keeps but if we ever have people inside our room then he hides it as it makes him look 'soft'. On the wall beside his bed, he has some drawings he's done of just random things. Behind him, on the shelf, he keeps some old photos of his family but with his mum crossed out on the pictures.

Izuku has a green fluffy blanket and a green fluffy pillow and some hero plushies. On the wall beside his bed, he has some hero posters and the shelf behind him he puts hero figurines but he recently took down his all might one.

On my bed, I have a red fluffy blanket and again a matching pillow. I have some Crimson Riot posters on my wall and on the shelves, I have some rocks I painted a while ago.

And then Kaminari has a yellow blanket with a yellow matching pillow, A Pikachu plush and on the shelf behind him, he keeps just random figurines from games he plays.

On the other side of the room, we have two dressers and four fluffy bean bags. We also have a shelf where we keep the gaming devices we saved up for. We each have a Nintendo switch lite. They're pretty awesome to play with.

 They're pretty awesome to play with

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