Chapter 55

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"Ah! You look adorable!" A loud yet distinct squeal erupted from the interior of one of the many warriors' dens. Some of the fire-holders around the hollow looked up, their fancy clothing shining like the teardrops of the sun hitting the ocean's waves. Their eyes immediately fixed on a pretty boy dressed in a long hanbok made from orange and red silk.

He looked like royalty himself as the smalls garnets sewed into the fabric glistened as brightly as the small shine hidden between his unusual hazel orbs. The red-orange silk of Beomgyu's hanbok had been carefully decorated with the gold patterns of dragons holding and mangling with prettily sewed flower silhouettes that would blaze with light once the rays of the sun dared to come in contact with them.

Wooyoung grabbed Beomgyu and hugged him tightly, his cheek rubbing against the younger's before turning to the four warriors who had helped out with the fitting and the seeing of the hanbok. "Guys! Guys, look at him!"

The 20-year grabbed Beomgyu's hand and patted his back, telling him to rotate so Mingi, Yunho, Changbin, and Seonghwa could take a good look at him. In parallel to their tribemates staring from outside, the four's eyes shone with awe at the way Beomgyu wore the elegant attire for his upcoming ceremony. Of course, Beomgyu felt quite embarrassed. . . Maybe even uneasy if you asked him.

Once the four were done examining Beomgyu, Yunho tilted his head and let out an amused laugh, his gaze falling on the long red and sleeves that hid Beomgyu's hands from view. "I think it's a bit too big on him."

"Oh, hush!" Mingi lightly nudged his mate before giving Beomgyu a cute thumbs up. "He looks perfect."

Beomgyu blushed slightly before the sound of warriors talking amongst themselves filled his ears. His other friends joined him, their eyes fixed past the den's entrance, toward their tribe's hollow.

Anticipation and excitement filled the air with warmth as the selected warriors to accompany Beomgyu waited for him to join them and finally make the journey to Earth Tribe. It was a surprising sight since Fire Tribe had always been hostile towards the tribe that Beomgyu's lover belonged to. In fact, some of the younger apprentices and a few retired warriors stared at the blissful crowd with narrowed eyes, failing to hide their disapproval.

Good thing Taehyung didn't select them to come. Beomgyu couldn't imagine the chaos that would form if one of those warriors said the wrong thing and accidentally turn the ceremony into a rabid event.

"We might have to give him the last touch-ups, though." Wooyoung's voice broke into Beomgyu's image of warriors fighting amongst each other, snapping Beomgyu back to reality. "The warriors are already waiting for our little Gyu."

"Good thing Changbin and I went ahead to collect the colored powders you asked for." Seonghwa let out, placing the two halves of a seashell filled with what seemed to be red and white dust.

"Powder?" Beomgyu arched his brow, not being too fond at the idea of getting his well-kept skin be dirtied by dust that. . . Just came from who knows where. Of course, Beomgyu didn't have any time to object when he suddenly let out a small sneeze when Wooyoung brushed the dust close to his nose and right under his eyes.

Wooyoung snorted with laughter. He pushed his finger into the seashell again, moving on to the other side of Beomgyu's face, ignoring Beomgyu's small whines of protest. "Calm down. It's used to make you look festive." He shoved Beomgyu's hand off his wrist and told him to close his eyes and lightly brushed some of the powder onto his eyelids. "You'll look even prettier with it. Plus, Yeonjun will be wearing some too."

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