Chapter 12

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Cath's pov

Close your eyes, Catherine.

Just close it. Don't open. Let along you sleep, and may your dreams take you away. Take you away from this horrible chaos life.

I said that to myself over and over again so I can sleep.

Instead of sleeping, I open my eyes slowly and keep staring at the window.

The moonlight shines so bright, the light catches the tip of my fingers. I move my fingers slowly and pretend to catch it back, even though I know no one can or ever catch the light. What an idiot.

Then I hear my bedroom door opens from behind.i can hear silent footsteps and see a shadow.

I move a little to make myself comfortable, still looking to the window, not the door. But he/she notices my movement.

"Aw, honey...I'm sorry to woke you up..."

Mom. Figured.

I turn my position to her and lay my head on my hand on my pillow.

"It's fine. Can't sleep anyway."

Mom turns on the stand lamp near my bed as she sits close to me.

"Cath... have you been crying?" Asks my Mom softly as she takes a strand of my hair. I shake my head.

"You can't lie to me... Your nose has been red all day... Do you wanna talk about it?" She rubs my head sweetly, I remove her hand from my hair gently, "No." I shrugs.

She stands up and walks to the door. "Are you sure? I'm open."

I sigh, "Yeah... Positive." She nods, and gets out.

I roll back to my position before, come back to stare at the window.

Fine? I'm not fine. At all. But i really don't wanna think or talk to someone about it right now. i need some time alone. Just looking at the moon light now already made me getting more peace. And that's exactly what I need.

How can I'll be fine? My best friend slapped me in the face this evening. I've pinched myself for a few times, afraid if this is a dream. And if it was, I really wanna wake up from it. But it's reality. And i'm stuck in it. I wonder if she feels guilty about slapping me. Don't know why, I feel like it's my fault.

I close my eyes one more time.

I cover my face with my hand stat. It's a reflect. God. I feel my cheek hurts and gets hotter. My body feels warm and I can't even barely open my eyes.

I move my hand a little, but still touching my cheek, to see her clearer. Is this really happening? She just slapped me? How...?

I open my left eye a little to see her covering her whole face with both hands. Her eyes fill with hot tears, still fresh. I guess that's new. I rarely see her cry. But she should though, the heck she just did to me, that was something. Why did she do this?

I rub my cheek with my finger and stand still. She backs away and passes me trough the door. She runs downstairs so quick, I can hear that fast beat footsteps.

I sit on my chair near me holding my face confusedly.

Michelle slapped me.\


Michelle's pov

I rush downstairs so quick, not worrying about falling at all. I almost touch the front door before someone from the other side opens it.

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