3 years- Feyre

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It's been 3 years. 3 years since the battle of Hybern. 3 years since i saw my mate dead on the floor next to me. 3 years since my father was killed. 3 years since we started healing.

I woke up next to Rhys, the love of my life. I roll onto my side to face him. He is so peaceful when he sleeps i think to myself. I reach over and lightly brush a rouge strand of hair from his face. I wish we could stay like this forever, but alas as a high lady i have work to do. So I got up and went downstairs to get breakfast.

I was walking down the stairs with my head in papers


I jump at the sudden sound and see Cassian laying on the couch hungover.

"What are you doing here" i ask in a hushed voice so not to wake Rhys (if he was not already woken up by Cassian)


"Shhhhhh Cass" i interrupt "this is the first time Rhys has slept in for months so don't wake him up"

He gives me an apologetic smile and starts again in a very hushed voice that I could barely hear even with fae hearing.

" Wellllll last night i was on a date with Nesta...."

I smirk to myself. Cassian and Nesta have been dating for 6 months. They refuse to tell us anything other than the fact that they are dating and we have all been very interested (including Amren). Whenever they go on dates Rhys and Azriel spend all night in the sky looking for them and Mor, Elain and i walk the streets and talk to the locals and ask if they have seen them around. I'm pretty sure Cassian has bribed them all to keep their mouth shut because if they ever give us information it sends us on a wild goose chase around the city and by the time we give up and go home Cassian is already there and Nesta is in the little house she and Elain live in now.

" feyre, Feyre, FEYre FEEEEEEEYYYYYYYRRRRRREEEEEEE" Cassian pesters me out of my thoughts

" sorry Cass what were you saying?" I say apologetically as i walk over to the kitchen.

" Well I was on a date with Nesta and I suggested that we tell everyone more about our relationship and honestly that was the wrong thing to say because she got very very mad and started yelling and then left. Then I ordered a drink and long story short 3 hours later i'm drunk as a merchant in the restaurant and the owner finally kicked me out and sent word to all the bars not to serve me becoz i was drunk. so i came back here and drank most of rhys good wine" he pauses for a second and tilts his head " did you know that rhys has a secret stash of vodka and bourbon?"

I shake my head while my mouth is full of toast and i bring a plate with a mountain of eggs, bacon and toast to Cassian while he continues

" Thanks," he says while I hand him the plate, " and now he will have a surprise when he next needs something stronger than wine. And here we are" and he takes a bite of toast.

"Well that's one hell of a story" says a familiar voice from the door

I look over and see rhys leaning against the door frame. I run over and give him a kiss on the cheek and hand him a bit of toast from Cassian's plate, he takes a bite and puts his hands (still with toast in it) around my lower back and I put my arms around his neck.

"Its to early for this" Cassian groans

I stick my tongue out and he does it right back. I look over to rhys

" i was trying not to wake you but this prick" i gesture to cassian " is hung over and kept yelling"

Rhys gives Cassian a playful glare and Cassian returns it with a sheepish smile and a shrug.

Rhys then plants a gentle kiss on my lips and cassian groans again and shoves his face into a pillow from the couch he is still lying on.

~hey guys this is my first story! Please tell me what you think about it and any suggestions you may have any anything you would like to see in the plot~

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