hello my darlings- Aelin

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Aelin pov.

Eight years after maeve died and i reclaimed my kingdom. What am i doing? Well I am holding elentiya in the throne room and rowan is bouncing graviel on his knee. We had our children two months ago. Twins!. We named the girl Elentiya in memory of Nehemiah and everything she did for us, and we named the boy Graviel in memory of aedions father. I almost laugh at the sight of rowan bouncing a small child on his knee but then i remember i am the 'fire breathing bitch queen' so rowan is probably thinking the same thing.

I'm not; he comes down the mating bond.


You look magnificent holding little ele

New nickname?

Yes. and this one is sticking

Good because it is so much better than elen or enti

Well your nicknames for gabriel aren't any better.

I thought you liked you liked the nickname vi?

I do but I don't like grav. Or gravi. Or viel. Gav gav. Iel

Ok ok i get it.

"Where's my favorite niece and nephew?" calls adeion as he and lysandra saunter in.

Lysandra and my cousin got married a year after the war. Lysandra has one hand on her swollen belly and the other holding the hand of a young boy. Her first born. Calore, or cal as we all call him. The seven year old runs up to us and starts playing peek-a-boo with Vi and Ele. except every time his face reappears from behind his hands he has a different animal on his head. He goes from human to horse to dog to leopard to wyvern to sea dragon to egel to lysandra to aedion to rowan to me to lorcan. He keeps lorchans face.

"Hi im lord lorcan lorchan and my name is funny and i like to brood in silence but i love elide"

We all laugh

"Well isn't that adorable"

Says a voice from the door. Elide and lorcan have arrived.

"Isn't that so much like you loran" says elide from lorans side. "But hey" she looks at adeion "did i hear someone say favorites? Because I don't think that Florence or Fleur would appreciate that. She says two girls appear from behind the couple. Florence means strong one in the ancient language and fleur is just a pretty name.

"Hey auntie Ae" says florence. We like to call her loren. loren is the eldest of the two, she is almost nine years old now.

"Hey uncle row row" calls Fleur. That's her preferred name for rowan. Much to all of our delight. Fleur is five years old and is the sweetest thing. She loves flowers and puppies. Especially fleetwoods puppies. Evalin, rhoe and elena. The troblesomethings nearly died when they were first born from eating my chocolates. Not just because dogs can't eat chocolate, but because the chocolates they took were my pregnancy chocolates.

"Common everyone" i call extiedly "let's have a feast"

We are all sitting at the table for dinner, Evangeline is telling us how heartbroken she is over her last girlfriend breaking her heart. Evangeline arrived just before dinner, and the first thing she told us when we saw her red eyes was 'don't even ask'. Of course minutes later she went into great detail of how her girlfriend broke up with her and how she wanted Lysandra to hunt her down in ghost leopard form and give her a real scare. Cal volunteers but we quickly shut the idea down, to dismay of course. A lovely fae chef goes over and serves Evangeline who looks up at her with a grateful smile. As soon as their eyes meet I smell it. They are mates! I almost squeal with excitement but Rowan shuts me down and points discreetly to the chef. Her face is pale as ice. I feel bad so I send over a whisper of warmth to her and she visibly relaxes. Her head then snaps to me and she goes red and runs off. Rowan gives me a look.

"Hey i was just trying to be helpful"

He rolls his eyes and the table goes back to the regular conversation. Cal and Fleur get into a food fight but rowan summons the winds and lets the food float in mid air. Ele then giggles and points to the candle in the middle of the table. The fire then burns high and strong. I use what's left of my magic to shut it down. I look down at her, concerned. This is happening more and more lately. Her fire is as strong as mine used to be. My face falters at the memory of my magic. But I quickly recovered myself and no one noticed. I think.

Later, Rowan and I are lying in bed facing each other. Ele and Vi are sleeping between us.

Im worried about ele i tell rowan

Me to fireheart

What if she can't control her magic?

We will help her, and since vi has my magic he can help her as well

I look down as my children. Vi is a perfect mirror of me. Golden hair, warm fair skin but with rowan eyes. Ele is a perfect mirror of rowan. Silver hair, darker skin but with ashryver eyes. She has ashryver eyes because they are gifted to the first born. And one day Elentyia will be the queen. And Vi will be by her side.

You know what we could do says rowan we could always make them co-rulers

Omg i love that idea

They would rule together, the perfect balance.

But which of their children would be the heir.

Once on each side. We would always have co-rulers and therefore our country would always have the fairest rulers.

That is the most brilliant idea i have ever heard

I love you fireheart

Oh i know i know

Your self love is almost as great as my love for you

I can't help it if everyone loves me. Including myself.

It is true. Everyone loves the fire breathing bitch queen.

I give him a light smack on the arm.

I love you to the territorial fae barstatrd.

How could you not.

Hey that's my thing !

We fall asleep with our children. I think that this is the happiest moment i have ever lived through. 

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