Waking- Aelin/Feyre

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Feyre pov.

I am sitting with Aelia downstairs. The wall of fire finally dropped around the babies and they are sitting together on a chair. We found out one has fire magic and one has air. The girl has long silver hair and blue and gold eyes. The boy has blond hair and green eyes. He has a slightly lighter skin tone to his sister. I think they are siblings. The blond woman still hasnt woken up. Im not surprised. I am suprised that she is still alive. By the look of her back she seems to have been through alot. Madja healed most of her back. Once all the scars were healed we saw a brand on her lower back. 'Broken' i almost threw up. The worst part was that under all the wounds there were more scars older ones. The woman could only be in her twenties. What happened to her.

Feyre darling calls rhys down the bond.

Yes rhys

The woman is waking

I thought you may want to talk to her with me.


Leave aelia with nesta, celeste, and elain. And leave the other kids with them aswell.

Ok im coming.

I ask nesta, celeste and elain to look after the children and they agree. I then fly to the house of wind where the woman is. When i get there Cassian, Az, mor, and rhys are waiting outside for me. We open the door and walk in.

Aelin pov.

When i wake i see six fae standing around a bed five of them have baldes out. That i am in. where am i. Wait! My kids. Where are my kids. I sit up straight. I get up out of the bed.

"hey , hey its ok your ok" says a brunette female, the only one without a blade.

I stagger back.

"Your kids are ok" she tells me.

I release a breath.

Another fae walks in. my heart stopps. Deanna. The god who stole my fire.

"Deanna" i say "you stole my magic" she walks towards me. I run at her. I pinn her against a wall. Engulfed in flames of rage. "You stole it" i scream "you left us defenseless" i steam at her with tears falling down my face.

The male with wings long hair tackles me to the ground. I easily get out from under and pinn him down. Balde in my hand. Another male without wings tackles me. The long haired one gets my legs and i knee him in the face. But the one without wings keeps me down. I thrash. I feel talons in my mind. I scream. Its an illusion. No we didnt get out. Im still trapped.

" no" i cry " we got out" i breath.

The talons run through my mind.
"GET OUT DARWIN" i scream.

I stop thrashing and i start crying. I will never get out. This is all a lie.

Feyre pov.

This girl is one hell of a fighter. Thats all i think as she tackles amren. Before i can react cassian tackles her off but she easily gets out from under him. Cassian. She easily beats cassian. Suddenly she is on top of him with his blade to his throught. Rhys tackles her and keeps her pinned. Cassian goes for her legs but she just smashes her knee into her face. I try not to laugh. I reach to her mind and see a solid wall of fire. I brush my hand across her mental barrier and she screams.

"No" she says quietly. Tears suddenly streaming down her face. "We got out" she says weakly.

Her mental barriers drop for a split second and i enter her mind. It is dark. I barely see anything. But i see her trapped in a mine, being whipped. Then in a iron box. Then i see amren and other fae taking her magic. Then trapped in a iron chair.

"GET OUT DARWIN" she screams.

Im not sure what see is talking about. I release her mind.

"Im sorry" she whispers "im sorry Elentiya. Im sorry Graviel. Im sorry rowan. Im sorry. Im so sorry." she cries.

She starts coughing. I realise what she is doing just in time. She is drowining herself. I overpower her water magic with my own.

"LET ME GO DARWIN" she screams when i clear her throught.

Rhys enters her mind and she screams and cries and thrashes agains rhys.

"GET OUT DARWAIN. I HAD ENOUGH. " she yells. " please" her voice sounds broken at the last word.

Rhys leaves her mind and looks shocked. The woman sees it aswell. She gets out from under rhys and runs to the door with insane speed. Even for a fae. She burns down the door and runs out. Towards the stairs. We chase after her. She is screaming and crying. She is running at insane speed. We barely keep up. I winnow in front of her. She screams. I try and grab her but she just dodges me with ease. Who is this girl?

She runs down the entire ten thousand stairs and into velaris. She looks around and starts running towards the townhouse. She is drawn to her childerens magic. She is trying to find the,. I winnow to the townhouse and look for her kids. I pick them up and tell celeste to take Aelia to the bakery. She nodds and leaves. The woman storms in. armed to the teeth. Where did she get those. When she sees me she stops dead in her tracks. I reaslise what it must look like. I am holding her kids. Keeping her from them. She lets out a scream.


She falls to the floor and drops her blades. She cries and cries. I put her kids down and they run to her. The boy puts a wall of solid air around them. He is protecting her. She holds them close. She whispers something to her kids but i cant here it. The others come in and see her with her children on the floor.

"I will get you out" she promises them.

She then grabs one of the blades and puts it though her stomach. It clicks. The yelling to no one. When we went into her mind she screamed and gave up. She thinks this is an illusion. The boy sees her injurys and releases the wall of air. I rush over and heal her wounds. She looks at me

"Let me out darwin. Please" she begs. She collapses in my arms.

I look up to rhys with concern in my eyes. Cassian takes her and puts her in the guest room of the town house. I bring her kids and put them next to her. She wraps them in her arms. I leave the room and hear her whisper one word. A name. Rowan.

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