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Esther's POV

After Selene left I turned to Jasper glaring at him. "Why are we taking in her daughter? Is my newly found infertility a joke to her? I do not want to raise another child, especially when that child is not mine!" I growled. "Esther it will be fine. I will take care of her while you take care of Hazel. I do not wish to upset you but Selene is a dear friend of mine and I owe her a favor." He tried explaining to me. "I don't care that you owe her! I do not want this child in my home!" I screamed out. "Enough Esther!! Remember your place! I am the Alpha, not you! Zaraphine will be coming here and I will care for her! She will be my daughter and that is final!" He yelled at me in his Alpha tone causing me to storm off.

I go up towards my beautiful daughter's room and see her jumping around in her crib. "Hazel, baby you're awake. Come on, let's go play. Mommy is upset." I say, picking her up out of her crib. I take her to the playroom with the other pups and set her down allowing her to get out her energy. 'We need to get rid of the child.' I tell my wolf. 'We will. We just have to find the right time.' She responds. 'No! We need her gone as soon as possible!' I growl. 'If we do it now Jasper will know it was us. We have to plan it out so that it looks like an accident.' She explains. Huffing I agree with her, 'Fine.'

The next day comes too quickly for my liking. Jasper and I stand in the living room waiting for the child when there is a knock at the door. Jasper steps forward and greets the tall slender woman with a smile. "You must be Eos." She nods her head and steps inside. "Yes, I am. You must be the family taking in Zara." She chuckles. "Yes and we are rather excited aren't we dear?" Jasper says as he turns to look at me. "Yes, honey. I am super happy to be receiving a blessing from the Moon Goddess." I force out with my fakest smile, "Where is she?" Eos gives me a pointed look before looking back to Jasper and opens her jacket revealing a small swaddled bundle of cloth. Jasper leans in grabbing the child and pulls her to his chest looking down at her in admiration. "Zaraphine." He whispers.

"I can already tell she's in good hands. I am happy that Selene chose you to take care of my niece." She smiles at Jasper. "You're niece? You are Selene's sister?" I question her. "Why, yes I am Esther. If it is alright with the both of you, I would like to check in on my sweet Zara occasionally. That way I do not miss her growth since I can not physically watch her grow every day, being my first niece and all." She says with a smile. 'She can't. Tell her she can't. It will make it impossible for us to get rid of her.' Before I can tell her no Jasper responds, "Why of course. We would never keep her from her family Eos. Anytime you would like to visit just pop in." "Thank you Alpha and Luna Knight. I shall be going now. It is about my time to rise. I will be seeing you all soon." She says as she turns to exit the house. 

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