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Atticus' POV

With a huff, I gave a nod and followed Lakota and this strange woman into the packhouse that I once grew up in. I stopped quickly and called behind me, "Leo come with me and everyone else stand down unless I say otherwise." In unison, I received, "Yes Alpha." Continuing forward with a slight smirk we make it to Lakota's office and take a seat. Prepared for a fight I never take my eyes of him. 'Do you trust this?' Leo questions through the mind link. 'I'm not sure. Stay alert.' I tell him cautiously. "Do not worry brother I would never attack you in our home. " Lakota says as if he is reading my mind.

"Say what you need to say Lakota. If my mate is no longer here then I must leave in search of her." I tell him bitterly. "I do not know who you're mate is brother. Why did you think she would be here? I have not been well for the last year that I can remember. If you would like assistance in finding her I would be more than welcome to assist you and your wolves." He responds. I let out a loud laugh before staring back at him. "Lakota do not play me as a fool. I know she was here. I can smell her in this very room. I took her from you once already and the witch that you have had helping you brought her back this time. With the witch not being here, I can only imagine that you knew of my arrival and had her leave with Zaraphine." I accuse.

"Brother I give you my word if I did such a thing I do not remember. The only thing I remember is when the attack on my pack happened and I lost my mate before my eyes. I know I did some horrible things since then but I was not in my right mind. My wolf was in control and he wouldn't allow me back in control. Not that I blame him. I'm afraid if I would've been in control I would've lost my battle a long time ago." He counters. Looking to my right, I mind link Leo, "What do you think? Do you smell a lie?' 'I'm sorry sir but I do believe him. His heart rate has stayed the same and his scent is no different. I do not believe he knows what he has done.' He explains sounding disappointed.

I give my brother a nod telling him I do believe him then look towards the strange woman. "What do you know that we do not. That is clearly why you are here is it not?" I question. "Yes, young Alpha. Your brother has been hexed for a long time. It is only when I came to check on my niece to see if the rumors were true that I found out. Esther brought Zaraphine to this office which is why her scent is in here and only for that reason. Lakota had no idea that this was all taking place. When Esther left to go retrieve her I found out just how bad your brother was. I have the power of light Atticus and when I pushed that light into Lakota he was put to sleep. The darkness ran deep within him that it was close to taking him over for good." She explained. 

 "If Esther brought Zaraphine in here then where is she? Why is she no longer here along with Esther? Did you let her take her?" I question. "No, I did not let Esther take Zaraphine. Esther is still here. She is locked in the very cell that she kept Zaraphine. As for Zaraphine, I am not sure where she has gone. I know she is no longer here but other than that we will have to ask her mother for help." She said. "Take me to her!" I growled. She gave me a single nod and walked towards the door. Looking back she called all of us to follow her. In an instant Lakota, Leo, and I were up and following her to the dungeons.

Lakota's POV

Following them down to my dungeons had my heart pounding. I was not sure what to expect. With everything Atticus and this woman have told me if it were up to me I would be down here as well. I do not deserve to be a free man. I don't deserve to be an Alpha. It makes sense that my family hates me and my pack fears me. "After I help you get your mate back brother, I will step down as Alpha. If you would like my pack I will give it to you." I tell him. "No! You are Alpha of this territory Lakota! It has to stay that way if want to keep the balance." The women all but screams.

"I do not want your pack Lakota. The only thing I want is my mate. I want to apologize to her and show her what life is actually like when you are not running or hiding for your safety. I want a family of my own and I can not have that without her. I will give up everything that I have in order to bring her back to me." He said in a whisper. "That will not be necessary Atticus. I understand your fears but she will forgive you. It is the way it is supposed to be. You two will be the strongest of the wolves. It is just not the right time for the two of you to be together." The women told him matter-of-factly. 

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