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1 Year later

It's hard to believe that a year ago I was a weak slave. You see, leaving my pack was a blessing in disguise. I ran for a few days making sure I stayed far away from any packs. I managed to find a small clearing that seemed to call to me. After a few months, I made it, my home. I built a little cottage right next to a small point. I planted vegetables that I got from the human town a few miles south. It was my little paradise. Sort of. It hasn't been easy, to say the least. It's almost an everyday occurrence to come into contact with other rogues.

So now here we are. I went into the woods today for my weekly hunt. I only kill two deer a week, but most of the time I run into some rogues. Today was slightly different, it was a group of rogues which is slightly odd since rogues usually stay by themselves. "Why ya out here all by yourself?" The tall guy snickered. "She's just asking to get killed boys." The handsome one said causing them to howl in laughter. I simply rolled my eyes just wanting to get my kill so I can go home. "Guys I don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to get a couple of deer and I'll be gone." I shrugged trying to walk past them. The sickly looking rogue grabs my arm roughly yanking me back. "You're not going anywhere bitch!" You see here's the thing, I hate that word. Like strongly hate that word. "Don't call me that." I say through clenched teeth. "Ohh. Did we hit a nerve! Boys, it looks like she doesn't like it when we call her a bitch." A muscular man stated, standing at the back of the group. "I.SAID.DONT.CALL.ME.THAT." I managed to grit out.

"This is gonna be fun, Derek." The muscular man said to the tall man. "You can have a five-second head start. But I promise we will catch you bitch." He continued. To say I was mad is an understatement. I could feel the anger radiating off of me in strong waves. These guys are pissing me off. I know I can kill them easily, I just don't like killing my kind. I mean, I am different since I am now 19 years old and I still haven't shifted. It upsets me but I use it to my advantage. Most wolves I come in contact with just assume I'm human since I don't smell like a wolf. Luckily, even though I can't shift, I'm still a lot stronger than my 5'1" figure looks and if I do manage to get injured I still heal relatively fast.

I know I can kill all of them one on one but I'm pretty sure they're all gonna attack at the same time. I just grin at them knowing not to show any weakness from the first time I had to fight a rogue. I almost died since they realized pretty quickly that I was just a weak girl. But apparently, the Moon Goddess was on my side cause when he launched himself at me I threw my hands up to try and shield myself and managed to punch him right in the nose, hard enough that he passed out. (Oops)

"I don't think this bitch appreciates our kindness boys." The man I now know as Derek spat out. "It'll just make it easier to get what we from her. I don't know about you boys, but I've never had human pussy before." He laughed out evilly, making my blood run cold and all color drain from my face knowing what was running through their sick minds. 'I have to get out of here fast' I thought to myself. "Y-you're making a b-big mistake." I stuttered. I know if I run they'll catch up to me and I'll die. I know I can't talk my way out of this, they don't seem like the listening type. So that leaves one option and it doesn't seem all too good either. But it's the only chance I have to possibly come out alive. I have to fight and pray to the moon goddess that they are weaker than they look.

Unknown POV

I've been following her for a year. She still hasn't shifted which makes absolutely no sense. Even without her wolf, she is strong though. She only kills when she needs to. Whether it's for food or protection. I never jump in to help her no matter how much I want to but right now I think I may have to. She's surrounded by about 10 wolves. My pack has been tracking this group of rogues. They're strong and kill anyone they come in contact with. I'm scared for her, she won't make it past them. 'Why isn't she running?' My wolf asks. As I'm about to reply to him Derek lunges at her...

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