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" they call you crybaby, crybaby

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" they call you crybaby, crybaby. but you don't fucking care! "

[ Y/n ]

"Tyler!" I giggled, not fully awake. He tickled my ribs lightly while pressing kisses on my neck and back. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled, turning over to give him a kiss.

He happily returned the kiss, leaning in before I could do anything. I smiled as we kissed, he crawled on top of me. One of his arms reached under my back, holding me up.

My smile faded and I reached up, pulling him closer to me. We made out more aggressively, I tugged at his curls while his thumbs caressed my skin.

I brought one of my legs over his hip to show him I was thinking what he was. Morning sex.

His phone started ringing, pulling him away from me. "No." I whined as he reached for it. "It's my work phone baby." He mumbled as he held it up, looking at the caller I.D. "Fuck." He muttered, getting out of bed and answering the phone. I groaned and also got out of bed. Tyler had left the room, leaving the door open.

Pumpkin ran in, licking my legs as I scratched his head. "Awe, you're a good boy." I muttered, standing up straight to stretch. I walked out of our bedroom to find Tyler, assuming he probably went into his office. I walked in after him, leaning on the door. Tyler looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah, I know. I understand there's a deadline. It'll be finished, I'm leaving town tomorrow. Okay... Mhm... Alright, see you later."

Tyler hung up and I walked over to him. "Leaving tomorrow?" He hummed, sitting down and turning his computer on. I stood behind him, playing with his hair. He pulled up and airlines website and I watched as he started to purchased two tickets. I smiled, kissing his head. "I'll make breakfast."

I walked downstairs and Pumpkin followed me. The kitchen was cold this morning so I turned the floor heaters on. Pumpkin was lapping up old water from  his water dish. I sighed and walked over, pulling his dishes away. He barked and I rolled my eyes. "Don't be a brat Pumpkin. I'm just getting you clean water."

I dumped his water out, filling it with fresh water. I put that bowl back on the ground but he wasn't thirsty anymore. He was waiting for his food. He sat by his food cabinet, his tail wagging happily. We had to get his tail docked because he would knock everything over. Now Tyler and I always die over how adorable his little nub is.

I scooped his food into his dish, adding some of last nights left over steak from dinner. Pumpkin barked happily, getting up and running out of the kitchen. I turned around and he ran back in, Tyler was behind him, laughing. I smiled and set his food down. Pumpkin sat there for a moment until I pat his head. He got up and ran to his dish, munching on his breakfast.

"I should've known when you said 'make breakfast' you meant for the dog." Tyler joked. I shrugged and got out the cereal. My ring flashed in front of my eye, making me stare at it for a moment. "You okay?" Tyler asked. I looked back over at him, and smiled, nodding.

"Tyler, don't forget. Tonight is the engagement party. " He nodded, opening the fridge doors. "We sent the invitations out, right?" I asked, digging through the food in the fridge. "I know that we did because I had to shove them all into the mailbox." I nodded and grabbed the cereal, why am I so nervous?

. . .

Tyler and I spent all day preparing for the party. He mostly played with Pumpkin and then apologized because I'd get mad at him for not helping. We took a break in the middle of the day to pack for the trip tomorrow. He told me we were going to New York City. I was excited, I'd never been there before but they're having really bad problems with some Mafia.

I brushed it off and we finished everything. Tyler and I sat at the table, waiting for our guests. I tapped my foot on the ground, I've had a bad feeling all day. "Is your mom coming Ty?" He looked down at his phone and bit his lip. "Uhhh... No. She said she's visiting my dad today." I nodded.

"Not to be rude but, isn't it like... Two months past his death day? Your mom never goes unless it's his death day. Why is she going tonight? Do you think something is wrong? Ty, should we-"

"Babe. It's an excuse so she doesn't have to come." I looked up at him and nodded.

"What about your parents?" He mumbled. "They're not coming. Neither are my friends." Tyler hummed, grabbing the chip bowl and eating out of it. "Why isn't anyone coming? That's so childish..." I whispered.

"Hey, listen. If they wanna be dicks and not show up, let them. But that just means that they might have to attend a baby shower because there's no one here to stop us."

I laughed as he picked me up, setting me on the table. Tyler nipped at my neck, tickling me. Pumpkin barked happily at the energy in the room. Tyler pulled away and started to give him some scratches. "You're such a good boy." Tyler said in his baby voice. Pumpkin licked his face and he jerked away. The large dog jumped into Tyler's lap, pinning him down.

I laughed as Tyler begged for mercy. Eventually, I got off the table to go grab a toy. Pumpkin jumped at the squeak, running for it.

Tyler sat up, wiping his face on his sleeve. "So, what should we do?"

. . .

Tyler pressed me against the shower door, kissing my collarbone. "Mmm, baby..." He pulled away and brushed my wet hair out of my face. "Our flight leaves at 5am. We should go to bed early..." I hummed and looked away for a second. "I think we can handle it." Tyler smiled and leaned back in to kiss me.

He thrust his fingers into my heat, making me reach over to grab at a ledge for support. Tyler moved his fingers in all the right ways while I stood there, overwhelmed by the pleasure.

He ran his hands up and down my body, making me shiver. "We can't do this..." He muttered. I pouted as he pulled his hands out, turning away to continue his shower. "Fine."

. . .

Tyler and I laid in bed, Pumpkin snoring on the ground. "I hired a pet sitter." He muttered as we watched tv. I nodded and closed my eyes. "I love you Tyler."

He kissed my head, resting against it. "Love you more, Precious."

Author's note:
Ahhh, this is exciting. I've wanted
to do a story based off of Crybaby
for a long long time.
I know I used a Pity Party
gif but it just fit okay?
Melanie isn't Y/n's face claim because
you're your face claim and the gif just fit.
Thanks for reading loves!!

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