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" guess i gotta wash my mouth out with soap

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" guess i gotta wash my mouth out with soap. "

[ Tyler ]
I hit my alarm off, annoyed by the tone. I had an in-town hit today. A serial child rapist. Fucking pig.

I got out of bed, careful not to trip on Pumpkin. I opened the closet and a picture fell from god knows where. I jumped back and then bent down. "No, no, no... Not one of Y/n..." I whispered. I picked up the glass setting it on the dresser. I groaned, I'd have to vacuum to get the small shards. I got up, careful where I stepped. I rubbed Pumpkin's head, grabbing his collar.

He's a good boy, he doesn't resist when you take him somewhere. I led him out of the room and let go. I didn't want him stepping on or licking up any glass.

I closed the door and put on a pair of slides that were sitting around. Y/n was right, I'm a messy person.

I walked over and grabbed my outfit. I quickly changed and walked downstairs to eat. I fed Pumpkin, filled up his water dish, and let him out. I made my breakfast, and went back upstairs. I walked into our bathroom and cleaned myself up. Today I see Y/n after my hit, which is good.

. . .

The job took a lot less time than I thought so I went to check on Y/n. Using a gun's scope to watch your fiancée change isn't the most gentlemanly thing I've ever done, but she's too perfect. She conversed with her neighbors and watered the plants that were in front of her apartment. I felt a hard on as she played with herself on the couch.

I debated going down and knocking on the door but instead I came in my hand.

. . .

When I got home, I changed but that was really all I could do. I kept the door to our room shut, I still hadn't finished picking up the glass. I waited outside for Y/n for about a minute before she drove up.

[ Y/n ]

I regret my decision more than anything in my life.

I think the break was good, I've had a lot of time to think.

Tyler insisted on sending me money every month. I missed him though, and when I go to see Pumpkin today I'll talk to him.

I pulled into the driveway and Tyler was sitting out front with Pumpkin. My big puppy ran to me, barking happily. I smiled, getting out and crouching down. He barked happily again and again, overwhelmed by seeing me again. I laughed and scratched behind his ears, making him quiet down.

Tyler walked over and I stood up. I didn't say anything and he stared at the ground, he looked horrible.

We walked inside and I went upstairs, I wanted my favorite sweater. Tyler begged me not to go into the room. "I broke something this morning and haven't vacuumed, there's still glass on the floor!" I ignored him, I don't care what he's hiding. I had left it in the laundry when I left. Last time Tyler told me he'd hung it up but we fought and I left before getting it.

I walked into the room and over to the closet. I stepped and retorted, hissing in pain. I sat on the bed, moaning at the sight of blood already dripping off my heel. He wasn't lying. Tyler came in and sighed. He walked into the bathroom and came out with tweezers. I didn't watch but a moment later he removed the glass. I laid down, my heel throbbing painfully.

Tyler's warm lips met my foot, making me tense up. He kissed up my leg, then repeated with the other leg. He then crawled on top of me, staring down at my face. I reached up, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him to me. "I was so horny for you this morning." I whispered into his mouth.

Tyler nodded, reaching his hand down to touch my arousal. I hummed, my back arching slightly. "Yeah, such a good girl." He whispered.

I brought my lips up to his neck, sucking on the skin. I bit down until I tasted blood. I pulled away and Tyler gave a breathy laugh, bringing his hand up to his neck. He pulled it away and then looked back at me. "Did you just bite me? Is this real?"

I laid in front of him, sprawled out and whining for his touch.

"Come here..."

. . .

Tyler laid next to me, his chest rising and falling steadily. He snored quietly once or twice but that was all. I cuddled him and kissed his warm back. It's only been a few days, a week at most, and I think I'll move back in. I miss Tyler, and his dick, so much. Plus, I get so much anxiety when he's not around.

I'm not crazy attached to him. Sure, sometimes I get separation anxiety but ice cream and a trashy dating reality show fix it. I'm anxious now because there's no longer someone by my side to intimidate guys who want to do bad things to me. There's no one to protect me.

I thought back to when Tyler and I met, after I had been abused by a man at a bar. I cuddled Tyler, tears silently falling. I remember the way Tyler introduced himself. He was nervous and funny, that's why I wasn't afraid of him like I was with other men.

He was too scared to touch me, I had to grab his hand or pull him in for a hug.

He really helped me through that time, when I was afraid of men. I still get nervous now, seeing people who look like the man that took my virginity. But it's okay because he's in jail.

And he's not coming back for a very long time.

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