Chapter One: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

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Welcome to my labor of love, sweat, and tears! This story is part one of a planned five part series. I've actually been working on this series for a while, it's just taken me this long to work up the courage to post it. A couple of points before we proceed - This is a love story. It is Hawks/OC. There will be heavy sexual content. If you don't like any of those things, thanks for checking in and have a nice day!

I love hearing from my readers, so please feel free to leave a comment if you liked it!

PS: I know it might be a little confusing for anyone who doesn't read or watch the original Japanese versions of My Hero Academia to see the names written with the surname first. I apologize ahead of time, that way just seems more natural to me so that's how I write them...

All characters, settings, themes, and storylines that have been adapted from the original My Hero Academia manga are credited to Horikoshi Kohei.

Without further ado - I hope you enjoy chapter one!


September 25th, 7:58 am

Tythan Savings and Loan

Downtown Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan

A short, portly man in a dark gray business suit strolled merrily through the lobby of Tythan Savings and Loan, spinning his keys on his finger, and whistling a jovial tune. He nodded to the security guard as he passed, who tipped his hat in response, a gracious smile on his aged face. As he did every morning, the bank manager checked his watch, waited patiently for the hands to stand straight up at eight o'clock on the dot, then reached out to unlock the doors and open the bank for business.

No more than a few seconds after the manager had completed his morning routine, a black panel van came skidding to a halt on the sidewalk in front of the building. The sliding door slammed open and four men, dressed all in black and carrying automatic weapons, burst out from inside. One of them slammed the door closed and tapped the passenger window twice. As the van sped away, the villains strode purposefully toward the entrance, throwing open the doors and kicking the startled bank manager into the lobby. The one leading the pack lifted his hands and aimed a slingshot at the old security guard who was reaching for his suppression weapon. He fired a rock that hit him like a bullet, shattering the hand that was reaching for his hip. The security guard hit the ground with a cry, clutching his bleeding hand to his chest.

"Nobody move!" One of the men in black called out in a booming voice, shaking the windows, and causing the employees to cringe and cover their ears.

The teller behind the window furthest from the door ducked suddenly behind the counter, reaching out and slamming her hand against the panic button next to the cash drawer. A second later, one of the villains vaulted over the counter above her, landing nimbly in a crouch behind her station. She screamed as he reached under the counter and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out from underneath to drag her around the counter and onto the main floor. He roughly tossed her onto the white tile in the middle of the lobby.

"What part of nobody move did you not understand!" He yelled down at her, removing one of his gloves and tossing it on the ground. The exposed hand quickly began to glow and drip with molten lava. The teller let out a terrified scream as he brought it close to her face, covering her head with her hands and cowering away from him.

"What do you want?" One of the loan officers suddenly called out, standing up from her desk across the room at the other end of the bank. Her cherry blossom colored eyes were narrowed dangerously at the villain who was threatening the teller on the floor. The man stopped tormenting the terrified teller briefly to raise his ominous, dark eyes toward the woman who'd addressed him.

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