Chapter Fifteen: Present

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The sound of chirping birds roused Hawks from a deeper slumber than he typically allowed himself to fall into. It was still pretty dark out, the first rays of the morning sun barely beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft glow through the slightly sheer curtains covering the balcony door. He was laying on his side in Misaki's bed, half-draped over her scantily clad body with his head resting on her shoulder. His arm was wrapped around her midsection and his leg was curled around one of hers. The blanket that had been covering them had been thrown off at some point and now laid tangled up at their feet.

Not that he was cold at all. For someone so small, she sure gave off a lot of body heat.

Following their heart-to-heart over his birthday at Yoritomi last night, he'd offered to fly her back home. He remembered her mentioning when she'd arrived at his agency that her trip to Fukuoka had been impromptu, meaning she probably had to work the next morning. They'd stayed a bit too late at the restaurant for her to make the last shinkansen back to Tokyo. Her only other option would have been a standby redeye, which neither one of them had felt very confident about. After stopping by his apartment to bundle her up for the flight, he'd immediately taken off into the frigid night air. Thankfully he had enough heat packs to keep her warm throughout the flight. It still probably wasn't the most comfortable experience for her, but she hadn't complained when they'd arrived at her apartment. She'd kindly thanked him and offered to make him something warm to drink before insisting that he stay the night. It was late enough by that point that he didn't really fight her on the offer.

They'd both taken a warm shower, separately, before tucking into bed and falling right to sleep. He was a little surprised that he'd been able to get some decent rest lying next to her last night. He knew from the previous night they'd spent together that she was a sprawling sleeper, drifting between periods of deep and light sleep when she'd roll over and change positions. He himself was somewhat of a light sleeper, something that had been trained into him by the Safety Commission as a survival instinct. Every time she'd changed her sleeping position he'd wake up, eventually causing him to move off to a chair in the corner of the room to watch her sleep.

Memories of that night sparked through his subconscious mind, bringing with them an unwelcome surge of arousal that shot straight to his already stiff morning wood. He shifted uncomfortably, detangling himself from the woman beneath him and rolling onto his back. Staring up at the ceiling, he focused on calming his body's reactions. He slowed his breathing into a meditative cadence, each deep inhale drawing Misaki's spicy-sweet scent into his lungs. Closing his eyes, he tried to shut down his thoughts, but images of their first night together continued to play over the insides of his eyelids. The warmth of her body laying so close closeted him, wrapping around his left side and stoking the flames of desire that stubbornly refused to be quieted within him.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he carefully hefted himself from the mattress so as not to wake Misaki and softly padded across the floor toward the balcony. Stepping out into the crisp morning air, he let his shoulders slump in relief as the chilly wind tempered some of the heat that ailed him. Leaning against the railing, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep, cleansing breath of fresh air, feeling a bit more of the fire ease off. It was much cooler in Tokyo than it was in Fukuoka at this time of year, and he could see little puffs of air cloud in front of his eyes every time he let out a breath. He knew he shouldn't stay out here very long in nothing but a t-shirt and boxers, but at least his wings helped to block some of the wind.

His relief was short-lived, however, and he had to bite back a groan when his feathers picked up a rustle of movement from inside the bedroom, signaling that Misaki had woken and noticed him missing. He braced himself as he internally counted each step drawing her closer to his inauspicious hiding spot on the balcony. Within seconds, his feeble attempt to restrain his libido was effortlessly thwarted by a pair of thin arms wrapping around his waist from behind. The warmth of her body pressing against his back suffused him, flaring his persistent arousal back to life in an instant.

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