Chapter Thirteen: Confirmation

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Hawks collapsed onto the couch in the living room after dinner, holding both hands over his stomach with a blissfully relaxed expression spread across his face, "Oh, man... I'm gonna be working that off for a few days, I can feel it."

Misaki sat down next to him, placing two clear mugs of hot cider on the coffee table as she told him, "You didn't have to eat so much. You can take some home with you, you know?"

He managed to crack open his eyes and he gazed over at her pitifully. "But it was all so delicious, I couldn't help myself! You know I have bad impulse control, Misa-chan!"

She smiled at him warmly as she settled back into the couch. "I'm glad you liked it."

"My turn!" He shot forward suddenly and reached into the inner pocket of his coat.

"Huh?" Misaki asked, momentarily startled when he held out a thin, wrapped box to her.

"Thank you," she said with a blush, feeling a bit timid as she took it from him. "Can I open it?"

He nodded enthusiastically, waiting for her reaction with rampant anxiousness.

She carefully removed the gold paper and slid back the lid on the thin black box inside to reveal its contents.

"A pen?" She asked in wonder as she removed the heavy writing utensil from the box to admire it. Its weight felt comfortable in her hand. The grip flashed with hints of red, purple, gold, and blue and she immediately recognized that it was made of her favorite gemstone.

Hawks leaned forward and rested his arm on the back of the couch, dropping his cheek into his hand as he explained, "I know you like to write notes by hand. The grip is fire opal and it's got an interchangeable calligraphy tip for business documents. It's also kind of a congratulatory gift for your new job, too. You like it?"

She looked up at him and gasped. "It's perfect! Thank you, Keigo. It's such a thoughtful gift."

He smiled warmly before dropping his gaze to the pen in her hands. "I wanted to get you something you'd use often. It made the most sense."

"And the fire opal? How did you know that was my favorite?" She asked in awe.

He shrugged, averting his gaze conspicuously as he nonchalantly replied, "Lucky guess."

Misaki shook her head. "Fine, keep your secrets. Really, I love it, thank you," she said as she leaned forward to place the pen back in its box and set it down atop the coffee table.

"Merry Christmas, Misaki," he said, using her full name for once as he gazed at her tenderly.

She sat back and reached out to cup his face, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips in response. Pulling back a second later, she reached behind her and produced a small, wrapped package, holding it out to him as she told him, "I got you something too."

He sat back, his eyes widening in surprise as he hesitantly took the gift from her. "But the dinner—?"

She leaned sideways against the back of the couch and rested her own cheek on her palm. "That was more of an experience for us to share. This one is just for you."

He cast her a sheepish glance. "Now I feel like I owe you another gift."

She tilted her head, regarding him with feigned confusion as she gestured with her other hand at the Christmas tree taking up an entire corner of her living room. "What are you talking about? You brought me this magnificent tree."

He slid her a rare, contentious glare. "You didn't seem very excited about it when I brought it in here."

She him a complacent smirk as she remarked, "It's grown on me. Kinda like you did, after a while. You gonna open that, or what?"

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