Chapter 5: The Meeting with Luna

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 "Camilla!" I call out urgently, "I still don't know how this works when I need you."

I feel her laughter as her presence grows stronger in my mind.

You just talk to me just like this. I am always here, even if you cannot feel me. I am right here. What's going on dear? The meeting the Luna is coming up soon is it not?

Yes, this afternoon to be exact. And I am nervous. What if she senses you? What if she finds out I have not only connected with my wolf but I have also already shifted for the first time? No one ever shifts for the first time not on the full moon. I am scared. We're going to be different. What if the pack is scared of us and they kick us out?

Emersyn, calm down. There has not and will not be another wolf like us for many years to come. We are safe. I promise you. No hard will come to us. Answer the Luna as honestly as you can and all will be, well. Be kind, be courtesy, be respectful, and be honest. The Luna will understand.

I sighed heavily and sat down and on my bed. Pulling out my homework I tried to put the extra stress out of my mind for a few hours. Goddess, I have so much homework to do. My phone dinged alerting me to a text message.

"Hey Em, you doing okay?"- Han

"Yeah just playing catch-up with homework."-Em

"Care if I come over for a bit?"-Han

"Sure. I do have to meet with the Luna at 8pm."- Em

"Sounds good. See you soon!"- Han

It's gonna be nice to spend some time with Hannah. I feel like with everything going on I haven't had much time for her.

That's true. Enjoy your time with your friend. Her wolf is a good one.

Spending the afternoon with Hannah was nice. We talked and caught up a bit. It's getting close to 7pm. Almost time to meet with the Luna.

"Hey Em," Hannah starts, "I still haven't seen Zander at school. I hope he's okay. Have you heard anything about it?"

"Actually, I haven't and I haven't really thought about it. Perhaps I can ask the Luna while I'm there tonight." I suggest.

"That's a great idea. Oh, you know you should suggest having a party for him the same day as yours!" She gets excited over the thought.

I laugh, "Han, I am not sure they'll wanna celebrate together but, I'll see what they have to say. You want to help me pick out something semi-formal to wear so I don't embarrass myself?"

"Would I ever!" Hannah's up in my closet before I even finish that sentence. "This!" She yells throwing a nice white fitted blouse and a black pencil skirt at me. "Go change. Now." She orders.

Laughing I oblige. I pull my hair out of my usual bun and run a brush through it. Throwing on some light makeup, I walk out of the bathroom to face Hannah.

"Wow," she gets all teary eyed, "My baby is all grown up now. What am I gonna do!" She exclaims dramatically.

I roll my eyes at her, "Does it look alright? Not too much?"

"Girl, no. You look great. Let's go. I'll walk with you.

"Alright let's go."

We head downstairs and I put my black heels on to complete the look. I peak my head in the living room, "Mom, Dad, I'm going to my meeting with the Luna. I'll be home later. I love you guys."

"Bye. Love you too," They both say.

The walk wasn't bad, just about a mile or so from my home. The alpha family lived in the pack house so they are close to everyone. I said my good bye to Hannah who wished me luck and told me to call her with all the details. Knocking on the door I waited. The Luna answered. I was surprised. She smiled warmly at me, "Come in dear, come in. You look beautiful tonight." she said as she led me into her study.

"Sit, let's chat. How are you feeling? Anymore headaches or pain?" She sits across from me on the couch.

"No, it really has subsided a lot. I feel better. I am starting to feel a presence in my head though. I think it might be her." I tell her the speech Camilla and I had agreed on.

"Of course, the full moon is tomorrow. I am sure you are feeling quite restless and a little anxious. But, there's nothing to fear. We'll all be right there with you. Do you want the pack there or just a small group?" She looks concerned as if I'll say something she doesn't want to hear.

"It's really up to you. Either way is fine. Is everyone going to watch me shift?" I am nervous about that.

"They don't have to; we can do that part separately and just do the meeting before." She suggests hopefully.

"I think that would be great!" I respond happily. "I do have a question if I may be so bold,"

Leola raises her eyebrow, intrigued, "proceed."

"A couple of us are concerned about Zander, if it's possible, umm, we were wondering if, um, he would want to do a pack meeting announcement at my first shift," I stammered out.

"What a wonderful idea!" The Luna exclaimed. She was beaming at my suggestion. "Oh, my I have a lot of planning to do now! If you have any other questions dear please feel free to call me!"

"No ma'am I am okay. Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate all your help!" I respond.

She smiled, "Let's walk out together." 

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