Chapter 9: The Water Fae

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Lenna nudged me with her leg. I opened a golden eye and glared at her.

Laughing she says, "Sleepy head it's time to wake up and meet the rest of the fae. You have a lot of learning to do. And a proper bedroom to find. Go ahead and shift back. You'll be safe now. I will leave some clothes on the chaise for you," With that she stands and walks out of the room.

Standing up, I stretch and yawn. Shifting back, I grab the clothes. They were different than the clothes I was used to. I wore a silver dress with a littler silver down the middle. It was long on me, dragging the floor. I moved towards the door, my feet on the cold floor.

We're gonna need to find some shoes. My feet are cold.

I'm sure Lenna will have something for us to wear. What do you think of her so far? Do you trust her?

So far, she seems trustworthy. I don't see any red flags. I am hoping what we see is what we get. I am really excited to see the rest of their world. I never knew Fae existed before. I was always told they were fairytales. I guess in a way they are, just like I'm sure I was to them.

This is true. I wonder what this will bring us. I only vaguely knew of their existence. I would imagine they are intrigued to meet us. Just as we are for them. Let us go.

My hand grabbed the handle just as Lenna opened the door.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry Emersyn. I didn't know you was there. I was just coming to check on you and make sure you were fairing alright." Lenna immediately apologizes.

"Oh no. It is quite alright. I had just finished up and was heading out to meet you. I am glad you came back. I had no idea where I was supposed to go." I laugh out nervously.

Lenna beams, "Great! Let us go. Do you want a tour now or in the morning? The palace is beautiful both during the day and night."

"Truly, I would love a small tour now. We can always explore more in the morning. Perhaps we can start with the kitchen," I joke just as my stomach growls angrily.

Lenna laughs a full laugh and links arms with mine. "How about we save the tour for after breakfast and let's go get some dinner."

I nod enthusiastically, "let's go!"

Walking down the hallway, I notice the pictures on the wall. All seem to be of the Royal Family. Curiosity peaked, I stopped to admire them. "They're beautiful. I never knew this existed. I'm learning so much. I can't wait to learn more. I'm beyond thankful for allowing me into your home. One day, I hope I can return the favor." I reach out to touch picture. "This one calls to me. I feel a connection to him. Who is it?"

A sad look crosses Lenna's face, "That was my brother Aero. He should have been king. But he died in war. His body was never found." she wipes a tear from her eye and forces a smile back on her face. Moving down a bit she points to a different picture. "That is my father, Alandore. And this is my mother, Bridgton."

I gasp, "She looks just like you!" I run my fingers over the painting and compare Lenna to the picture. "It looks like you just posed for it!" I gush.

"Well, you'll be even more amused to see this one," Lenna points a child's portrait. "As you can see, family paintings haven't been done since Aero passed. My parents just didn't want to." She finishes sadly. "Enough of that talk. Let's get you some food."

After getting food we headed up the spiral staircase. The main room of the palace had two spiral staircases on either side of a huge indoor waterfall. The waterfall fell into a large koi pond with seating all around the pond. The pond had small rivulets that ran out the door and I'm assuming into a larger pond or lake outside.

"Wow," I said breathlessly, trying to take in the beauty of everything. "This is amazing." Camilla purrs in the background, clearly appreciating the beauty same as I was.

Lenna smiled again, "I am glad you are enjoying the views. Being Water Fae, we get inspiration from the water goddess, Tethys. Every room has at least one water feature and is taken very good care of. We have a whole team dedicated to each room for cleaning and feeding the fish. I grow more excited to show you the whole palace tomorrow. You're going to love it here!" Lenna squeals.

This place is beautiful. I am very happy we're here. I am thankful they took us in.

I agree. Although, I am ready to find our room and get take a hot shower and sleep.

That is very true. You stink.

Hey now! That means you stink too. I am you.

But I am an animal and animals are allowed to stink. You are a human. Humans shouldn't stink.

I just roll my eyes.

Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say Cam.

Smirking, she slinks off in my mind. Turning my attention back to Lenna I can tell she knows I was talking to Camilla. "Sorry about that, she was just telling me how tired she is." I admit.

Lenna has a knowing look on her face and walks quickly up the left staircase and down the hall. After a couple more twist and turns we finally arrive in front of a large set of silver double doors. The handles were statues of fish and the incredibly detailed. It truly was amazing how much thought and effort went into the construction of the palace.

Lenna threw the doors open and walked into a large sitting room. There was already a servant waiting in the room starting a fire through the next set of doors. Lenna quickly walked into the bedroom and gestured for me to come forth.

"Emersyn, this is Lori. Lori will be your servant while you are here. Please ask her anything. If you need anything do not hesitate to call for me. Otherwise, I'll leave you be for the evening. Breakfast is at 8 am. I do hope you feel up to join us. My parents and children cannot wait to properly meet you." With that Lenna bows her head and leaves the room.

Full attention on Lori now, she immediately drops down in a curtesy. "Miss, pleasure to meet you. Do you need me to do anything for you?" She sounds and looks young.

"Lori. Please stand up. When we are alone, you needn't bow to me. And please, call me Emmy." I smile at her hoping to make her more comfortable. "All I need is for you to show me the bathroom so I may shower. The rest I can handle myself for the night. I am awfully tired and truly just want to bathe and go to sleep."

"Of course, Mis-Emmy," Lori corrects herself. She walks towards the door farthest from where we entered and started the water. "I will leave some clothes on the bed for you. Would you like me to wake you in the morning? I am sure the Queen will understand if you sleep in."

"Oh no, please wake me. I will require a guide. This place is huge!" I laugh out. "I don't think I will ever learn where everything is."

Lori laughs and shrugs, "I'll show you everything you need to know. I also can get you a map of the palace if you'd like."

"Please do!" I respond stepping into the hot shower.

"Of course. If that is all you require of me, I shall take my leave. My room is connected to yours, if you need anything, just call." Lori curtsies again and scurries off.

After standing in the shower until my body starts to shrivel, I jump into the large king bed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. 

****I want to say thank you for everyone who has taken the time to read my story. I truly appreciate it. Please vote and comment! Thank you. 

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