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' Mmmh!'

His mother scrunched up her nose when she walked into his family home alone. Due to them fooling around in the office for most of the afternoon Adrian had to stay behind for a late meeting and asked his driver to take her home. Niki greeted her even though she knew Sheila would not greet back.

' You don't belong here.'

She said grabbing her arm when she tried to walk past her and go change.

' I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm here at your son's request and mostly importantly for my daughter.'

' You're here because you are a gold digging whore. You might have birthed my Ari but I'll never accept you...'

It creeped her out how his mother claimed her daughter, she never called her Bisa but grammy's baby or her Ari and it first she did not mind but then she realized that she was too possessive of her daughter. Adrian dismissed her when she pointed it out.

' ..... That ring on your finger should be on Lilly's.'

The grip on her arm tightened and she winced in pain but Sheila would not let go. Adrian had proposed to her on their first dinner date in his hometown. He had gone all out with a romantic setting infront of the lake. He wanted her to have a new beautiful experience surrounding lakes. Since her last was not so pleasant even though he was to blame but she still had no idea he was behind that. Though she felt she was not ready for marriage, she agreed, for her daughter.

'  You poisoned my son against the woman he loved and I will make sure to-'

' Mother! That's enough.'

Adrian's voice startled both women and Niki quickly tried to wipe her tears away so he would not see them and cause more trouble. As much as she hated how his mother treated her, she did not want to cause anymore problems between the two.

' What's going on here?'

His father questioned, walking in from Lord knows where. Probably he too was startled by Adrian's loud outburst which boomed throughout the house. Hopefully Bisa did not hear him wherever she was.

'' Ask your wife here, who was being abusive to my fiance. Mom I told you to leave Niki alone, it was my decision to break up with Lilly way before we even rekindled our relationship!''

'' I don't care, it's still her fault that Lilly is broken hearted and-''

" It's actually your fault that she is hurting. You were the one who forced me into a relationship with that girl and brought her around me every chance you got even when I told you, that I had no interest in her.'

' All I wanted and still want is the best for my son. She!, is not that! You're a Kabbah and there's certain people we associate with. Not some poor orphan girl with no status.'

' That's not for you to decide Sheila. If I can accept-'

Her vision started becoming blurry and her eyes heavy. She tried to keep her eyes open but she failed then felt herself falling.

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