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Nervous as a piglet at a hog roast, Adrian pressed the doorbell to Niki's parents home and waited. A deep voice shouted for him to come in from inside and he reluctantly opened the door. The tiny patter of feet could be heard coming from the living room at a quick pace.

' Dada!'

She screamed excitedly upon seeing him standing with the door closed behind him. He crouched down to her level with his arms open for her to run into and stood up with her in his arms as soon as she did. This was the best part of his day, seeing the love and excitement on his daughter's face everytime he picked her up.

' Hello daddy's little princess. Had a great day with granny and grandpa?'

In just a few days father and daughter were so close one would swear they'd known each other since birth. Adrian never thought he could love anyone this much and the guilt of what he almost did ate him up inside each day he spent with her.

' So he walks in and you forget all about grandpa.. Adrian.'

' Afternoon sir.'

Though they were not a fan of Adrian or what he did, Niki's parents still accepted him as their grandchild's father. They allowed him to come pick her up and drop her off. They were polite when he came over too but never said more than two words to him.

' What are you plans with my daughter? I heard you asked her to move into your apartment?'

' I_ I _I_uhm_....'

This was new to him, they never spoke and he did not think that she would have told them already about this. Hell they were her parents why wouldn't she, he thought.

'I mean yes sir her flat is too small for the both of them and figured my apartment was big enough for us three and it's not far from the college and much closer to your offices sir.'

' That's the only reason?'

' Yes Sir. What other reason could I __ oh you think I want to _uhm_  no sir. It's nothing like that, I just want my daughter close and help her out at the same time.'

' You know I find it suspicious how you suddenly want her close when you wanted nothing to do with them two years ago?.'

' I was shocked, young and stupid then and made a stupid decision but I've since seen the error of my ways and that's all I'm trying to do. '

The older man looked at him as if he was trying to catch him in a lie. A few minutes later he held out his hand and Adrian hesitantly grabbed and they exchanged a handshake.

' Well any man who realises that he has wronged others and works towards fixing those wrongs deserves a second chance in my book. So welcome to our family Adrian but trust and believe that if you hurt my daughter or grandbaby again, you'll have to answer to me.'

' I promise sir. I don't plan on hurting either of them again.'

' Okay. Now give grandpa a hug princess. See you both tomorrow.'

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