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Before they knew it, they were soon travelling across gravel instead of tarmac, the car jolting every few seconds and sending Stella into a frenzy with each rock they drove over. Hedwig had already arrived before them, it seemed, as a flash of snowy white dashed past their window, perching atop a stone wall in the distance. They had let her out some time ago, not wanting to keep her in her cage for the remainder of the journey.

As a large building came into view- no, two separate buildings, to their amazement. Gene and Harry both went to the centre console of the car to get a better look until their heads suddenly collided as Aurelia went over a particularly larger rock, calling out an apology over her shoulder as the car pulled to a stop. The gravel had smoothed out, the car travelling over grass as they pulled into a large cobbled driveway, and Gene and Harry quickly went to clamber out of the car as soon as the engine had shut off.

"Wow." Harry murmured, glancing around the huge plot of land.

They stood beside what must have been the main house, larger than both Gene and Aurelia's flat at home and number four Privet Drive combined. It was a weather-beaten sort of barn that had been converted into a living space, now a rather becoming old farmhouse. It was secluded, deep in South-Central France, hidden from all the tourists and gave them miles of privacy.

"Go and explore while I track down your grandmother," Aurelia said, entering the rustic rosewood door, its polish shining gloriously under the July sun, beating down hard on them.

It was unbearably hot, but thank goodness Harry had pointed out the large pool that glimmered in the garden, accompanied by another stretch of land that held a large barn.

Gene watched as Harry looked up at the main house, his hand trailing across the ivy-ridden walls as he began to make his way toward the entrance, his expression of awe never falling. She felt her heart swell in her chest, the thought of this being his first proper holiday. She followed after him quickly, blinking back tears and her jaw went slack as she ran up the steps into the entryway.

She nearly slipped as she made her way onto the landing, catching herself on Harry's shoulders as they stood at the base of a curved staircase, red terracotta flooring trailing all the way up to another floor in the house.

They continued to walk through the narrow entryway, glancing into rooms on either side, some filled with paintings alone, while another appeared to be a living room which opened out onto the garden. Huge french folding doors were pulled open to reveal a patio that overlooked land, stretching further than Gene could see.

There was a large gazebo off to the left-hand side of the garden, under the shade of a enormous chestnut tree that could have given the Whomping Willow a run for its money.

She saw smoke billowing from a barbecue, Aurelia standing over it and Gene gasped, a great smile passing her lips as she caught a glimpse of silver hair, shimmering under a sliver of sun, and she started to run. The garden seemed so big that it felt like she had been running for five minutes straight before she reached her grandmother, wrapping her arms around her shoulders tightly.

"Easy, Gene." Aurelia warned as Gene pulled away, in time for Cordelia to press a kiss to her cheek.

"Ignore her," Cordelia said, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips, "Well? What do you think, my love?" she asked.

"It's beautiful, Grandma." Gene sighed dreamily.

Her eyes grazed across the garden once more before settling on Harry who slowly began to approach, seemingly nervous and out of place. She closed the gap between them, grabbing his arm and walking him back over. Gene gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, as Cordelia stood to her feet at the sight of him.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now