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Gene made her way toward the Great Hall afterwards, hoping she might be in time to grab some dinner after the gruelling three hours she had spent with Snape. On the third table over, she spotted Harry, Ron and the twins and made her way over, hoping her tired expression didn't give too much away.

"Hello." said the twins at once.

Gene looked at them, her eyes shifting between the two and finding they had particularly smug faces today. More so than usual, to her alarm.

"Boys." she returned, taking a seat opposite them so that she was across from all four of the Gryffindors. "Where's Hermione?" she asked.

Her eyes travelled over the table, laden with every item of food Gene could have ever dreamt of. Perfectly crisped potatoes, though the potato options didn't end there. There was roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, steak and kidney pies, along with desserts such as treacle tarts and chocolate gateau. Gene's stomach practically growled. She wasn't really listening when she heard Harry give her an answer, as she began to ease her hunger with a slice of steak and kidney pie.

"Genie." her name leaving Fred's mouth in a honeyed voice.

"Fred." she mimicked his tone, her eyes remaining firmly on her plate.

"Do you think we could see you later– alone?" George said quietly.

Gene finally looked up, finding Fred and George with smiles threatening to show, while Harry and Ron glanced at one another warily.

"I'm not that kind of girl, Georgie." she said, causing a flush to instantly creep to their cheeks, all four of their eyes widened as she watched Ron choke on his drink.

"No–" Fred began, "We didn't mean–" George went, "That's not–" he tried again, while Gene only smiled at the panic that had ensued.

"Only joking, boys." she said, perfectly satisfied now that her plate had been wiped clean. "Come on, then." she stood up, looking at the pair expectantly and they followed wordlessly, glancing at one another before leaving the Great Hall, after Gene.

She glanced over her shoulder, finding that Fred and George were in fact still following her, though they were dead silent for once. It was odd.

"You're both awfully quiet all of a sudden." she raised an eyebrow, leaning a shoulder against the wall just beyond the Great Hall as they pulled to a stop before her.

They shared a look before George glanced around themselves,  finding it was safe to speak. "We're leaving, kiddo." he said quietly.

Gene's eyes narrowed at them, a minute or so passing before she realised that they were being serious. Her confusion had turned to slight betrayal and even sadness, though it was deep down. Very deep down.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" she said, annoyed though her voice wavered, betraying her. "You can't just go. You haven't even finished school. What about your–"

"We're leaving, Genie." Fred cut her off, his eyes softening as he looked at her, Gene's eyes very nearly glazed over. And at this, she looked away, a frown making its way to her face.

A minute of silence had passed, followed by two more. Fred and George looked at each other with concern, not entirely expecting this reaction from the young fifth-year.

"Why are you telling me?" she said now, her frown much sterner.

A smile tugged at the corner of George's lips, "We need your help."

"With what?" she asked, her sadness quickly turning to irritation the longer she had to wait for an explanation. But the explanation soon came, and her irritation had now turned to intrigue. "Why me? You could have asked anyone." she said.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now