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Gene begrudgingly made her way through the snow, her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep warm, her face set in a frown. She hadn't expected to be out of bed this early, for one thing, let alone out in the snow. They were all very aware of her distaste for waking up early and the cold, and so none of the three dared to say a word as they trailed in front of her, heading towards The Hogs Head Inn.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us?" she asked as Hermione glanced at Gene over her shoulder.

"Oh, just a couple of people." she returned, nodding warily, causing Gene to raise an eyebrow as they finally made their way inside.

Gene's jaw nearly hit the floor, covered in hay and pieces of kibble, as she looked at the huge group of students sat waiting for them.

"Just a couple?" Gene muttered under her breath, raising her brow at Hermione who winced, before they took their seats at the front.

They settled into their seats, Gene a little more uncomfortably than the others as she felt the dozens of sets of eyes on them, watching their every move. Gene caught Finn and Lorelai's eyes at the back, making her want to smile a little.

Hermione stood up, ready to speak to the students that had gathered and Gene shared a wary look with Harry.

"So, you all know why we're here." Hermione began nervously, "We need a teacher– teachers." Hermione corrected herself, "Proper teachers who've had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts–"

"Why?" a voice cut through, interrupting Hermione.

It was Thomas Rhodes, just a year below them. Before Gene could bite back with a snide remark, she had been beaten to it.

"Why? Because You-Know-Who is back, you tosspot." Ron glared at Thomas and Gene did her best to hide her smile of appreciation.

"So they say." Thomas nods at Gene and Harry, as though they were crazy.

"So Dumbledore says-" Hermione corrected, and Gene had a feeling she wasn't prepared for backlash like this.

"So Dumbledore said because they said. The point is, where's the proof?" he shrugged.

"If you could tell us more about how Diggory got killed–"

"We're not talking about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, you can piss off." Gene cut him off, her glare remaining etched onto her face, though it softened when she felt a hand over hers.

She looked down in surprise, finding Ron had discreetly placed his hand on hers, squeezing once gently. Gene hadn't realised her eyes had been watering at the mention of Cedric. But Ron had.

"Let's go. They're just here because they think we're freaks-" Harry stood up, shaking his head as he turned to Hermione who desperately tried to convince him to stay.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna's voice broke through, causing the whispering crowd to grow quiet.

"Yes. I've seen it. A fully-formed stag Patronus." Hermione took the opening that Luna had provided them with, nodding profusely.

"Blimey Harry! I never knew that." Dean said, his eyes wide in surprise.

"And Gene killed a Basilisk- with the sword in Dumbledore's office!" Neville spoke suddenly, causing Gene to offer a small smile of gratefulness in his direction.

"It's true." Ginny nodded, backing him up. Gene's eyes glossed over the small crowd, noticing the whispers amongst them. The tide was beginning to turn.

"Third year, Harry fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." Ron added, his hand only tightening over Gene's.

"And last year, they did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh-"

"Wait." Harry shook his head slightly, turning to the crowd again. It was evident he was struggling with this as much as Gene had been. "Look- it all sounds great when you say it like that. But the truth is, a lot of it was luck." Harry began to explain.

"We didn't always know what we were doing half the time. We always had help. Each other." Gene nodded in agreement.

"They're just being modest." Hermione quickly said.

"No, Hermione. We're not." Harry turned to her, though he was glad for her help anyways. "Facing this stuff in real life, it isn't like school at all. In school, if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. But out there- watching your best friend be tortured, or watching a friend die right before your eyes-" his voice faltered, causing Gene's heart to sink.

Gene stood up now, her hand squeezing Ron's once before letting go, as she took the place beside Harry proudly.

"When you're a second away from being murdered. You just- you don't know what it's like." she finished his sentence for him, rendering the room silent.

"You're right, Gene. We don't." Hermione turned to her, "That's why we need your help. Both of you. Because if we're to have any chance of beating V-Voldemort-"

Gene's eyes nearly widened, realising she had never said his name before today.

"He really is back?" Nigel said from the front of the group, his voice laced with worry.

Gene and Harry nodded in unison, taking in the solemn stares and absent looks. Gene imagined this whole arrangement couldn't have been far off of what their parents had been through all those years ago. And luckily for them, the formation of these groups would be successful both times.

They had formed a great line leading almost out of the inn, where they waited to sign up to Dumbledore's Army, as Hermione had so perfectly assigned the name. Their names were at the very top, followed by Fred and George, then Ginny, Neville and Luna, and the list went on.

"We're the young ones now." Harry murmured under his breath, catching Gene's attention.

She glanced over, noticing the small picture in his hand. Harry tilted it for Gene to get a closer look, her eyes widening slightly as she saw their parents stood together, with Aurelia at her mothers side, along with Lupin and the Longbottom's, and many more.
Gene and Harry shared a small smile as the sun began to break through clouds, even brightening the inn's grimy windows. Gene looked to Hermione, whose smile only grew before Gene's eyes settled on Ron, which caused a smile to tug at her lips eventually. She had gotten distracted however, as Finn approached the table.

"Hey," he smiled, catching Gene's eyes as she tore them from Ron's. Finn went to sign his name on the list before standing up straight. "I'll see you later." he nodded and Gene returned it, ignoring the looks she was receiving from either side of her.

Their questions could wait until later.

"The next thing is to find a place to practice where Umbridge won't find out-" Gene glanced at the group over her shoulder as they rushed across the bridge with purpose, the excitement palpable.

"The Shrieking Shack?" Ginny asked, though Gene shook her head.

"Too small." she returned.

"The Forbidden Forest?" Hermione offered.

"Not bloody likely." Ron already had an answer prepared, making Gene smile.

"What happens if Umbridge does find out?" Ginny asked, her eyes shifting between Gene and Harry, though before they could come up with an answer, Hermione already had one.

"Oh, who cares." she sounded rather giddy, a smile breaking out across her face, "I mean, it's sort of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules?" she glanced at them.

Gene, Harry and Ron stared at each other practically dumbfounded, before laughter bubbled in Gene's chest, shaking her head as she linked arms with Hermione.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Ron asked seriously.

Hermione's cheeks flushed, though she brushed him off, "Anyway, we know at least one positive thing came from today." she continued, waggling her eyebrows at Gene who began to follow.

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"Cho just couldn't keep her eyes off you, could she?" Gene carried on, laughter shared between herself and Hermione as they went ahead.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now