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That evening, Gene made it to her dorm as the sun had begun to set, leaving the sky painted a dreadful indigo shade that made her want to scream out in agony, because it was another reminder of a sunset that Sirius would never get to see.

She found Lorelai sitting on her bed, thumbing the baby picture of Gene with Sirius at the bedside table with her expression pulled into one of torment and grief. Lorelai looked up, eyes sparkling with tears, to find Gene approaching and she quickly brought her into her arms, hugging her as tight as she could.

Lorelai held her so closely, so firmly that Gene couldn't let go even if she wanted to. And it would have made it so it was just them, stuck together while all the horrible things around them went on, and Gene was safe, in Lorelai's arms. That was how it should have stayed, she thought, and Gene felt the same way.

"What now, sunshine?" Lorelai sighed, her fingers trailing through Gene's hair absentmindedly, her head laying in her lap as they watched the stars.

"I don't know, Lore." Gene's bottom lip trembled, shifting closer to her best friend, if that were even possible. "But when we figure it out, we'll do it together." she lifted her head, finding Lorelai looking down at her with a smile and a nod.

Gene pulled herself to sit up now, sitting cross-legged opposite Lorelai with their knees touching.

"Where have you been all this time anyways?" Lorelai asked, handing Gene a Chocolate Frog before tucking into a box of Bertie's herself.

Gene's cheeks flushed pink, "With Ron." she said, and a few beans tumbled out of Lorelai's gaping mouth, to which Gene grimaced at. "It's not what you think." she added, before explaining the entire conversation they had had, prior to this one. Lorelai's expression had twisted into confusion as she spoke, before hopelessness, and now, anger.

"I should smack you, Gene." Lorelai said, causing her to nearly choke on her snack. "I should do it, you know? Just wait until I tell Finn about this–" she muttered in annoyance.

"You'll do no such thing, Rory." Gene warned her, with a sort of tone that Lorelai chose not to fight at the minute, "It's for the best. He deserves–"

"You, Gene!" Lorelai cut her off quickly, not even wanting to hear the words leave her mouth. "He deserves you. And you deserve him, the great, gangling, ginger twat." she frowned. "I don't understand." she frowned.

"If it happens, then I'll know for sure, Lore." Gene explained, "If they get together, then I won't have to wonder. I'll know."

"He kissed you back, love. I think we already know." Lorelai said, but Gene shook her head.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." she said, going to stand as she went to pack her trunk. "I do need your help, though. I can't get those bloody buttons with my hands shaking like this." she murmured.

Lorelai hummed in response, going to help her best friend because she would have done anything for her. Lorelai would have moved mountains for Gene, and she knew Gene would have done the same for her, because that was what love was. And then, as Gene smiled at her, she felt bad for Gene, because she was just so bloody clueless.

She had no idea that Ron would have moved heaven and earth for her.


The sun rose the next morning, and Gene felt herself wake up in Lorelai's bed feeling somewhat refreshed. There wasn't a sickening feeling of dread tugging at her insides when she found herself thinking of anything that wasn't Sirius, not anymore.

All the good parts of him, (and there were a lot), had stuck with her instead, all his comforting words, all of the forehead kisses and the letters and the hugs, they kept her going now, and they would continue to do so until the end of time.

THE ANGEL OF WOE | RON WEASLEY [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now